What is your guilty pleasure.....


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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Food/drink wise! No rudies pls!!! :rotfl:

Mine has to be Kettle Chips.... the Salt & Balsamic Vinigar ones!! mmmmmm!!!
And Rose wine or Corona with lime!

I'm a major savory person.... I'm not a huge chocolate fan, I can go a year without any... but when I decide I want some, I must have it NOW!! :rotfl:
mine has to be either chocolate and crisps together or macdoalds breakfast :)

drink wise i love malibu(sp) and coke its the only thing i can drink now if i go out any thing else goes straight to my head :lol:
i have a right sweet tooth, thats why being on the diet is soo hard because i have to have some chocolate at some point, although now only have like one biscuit every few days hee hee

i could sit and eat a chocolate fudge cake all to my self - i love anything like that, and love apple pie...MMMMM!!!

drink wise, i would have to stay Carling - a pint to be exact lol
i have too many :lol:

think ill go with daim bars :D (btw do you know tesco dont sell them :shakehead: )

im also partial to a double cheeseburger form mac donalds :)
nic & keeley said:
mine has to be either chocolate and crisps together or macdoalds breakfast :)

drink wise i love malibu(sp) and coke its the only thing i can drink now if i go out any thing else goes straight to my head :lol:

All exactly the same of mine!!! I looooove malibu and coke, chocolate and crisps :D
i dont know if you mean like normally. or like pregnant wise

not pregnant is salad cream i eat it with absolutely everything and im not jokin, if my mum didnt stop me id have it with yogurts and everything i love it soooo much.

but im not as keen on it atm

but i LOVE chips, theres this place near me called TOMS fish and chips they do the BEST chips with curry sauce..
ah my mouth is watering..
and twiglets mmmm :D
Urchin said:
I LOVE cheesecake. Have you seen www.cheesecake.co.uk? OH. MY. GOD.

Urchin did you have to post that link? Cheesecake is a major passion of mine, I used to live in the States and loved the Cheesecake Factory there (that link looks similar minus the shop you could actually go into to drool over everything before deciding!)....Hubby won't be pleased I've found one here to order from too!!

Ok so I'll have say Cheesecake as my guilty pleasure! I love loads of things and most savoury, I love french bread (with butter) or crosissants anything kinda bread based I suppose but cheesecake....ohhhh :wink:
Nicola said:
Urchin said:
I LOVE cheesecake. Have you seen www.cheesecake.co.uk? OH. MY. GOD.

Urchin did you have to post that link? Cheesecake is a major passion of mine, I used to live in the States and loved the Cheesecake Factory there (that link looks similar minus the shop you could actually go into to drool over everything before deciding!)....Hubby won't be pleased I've found one here to order from too!!

Ok so I'll have say Cheesecake as my guilty pleasure! I love loads of things and most savoury, I love french bread (with butter) or crosissants anything kinda bread based I suppose but cheesecake....ohhhh :wink:


My 2 fav desserts are profiteroles and cheesecake. On that site they have a cheesecake with profiteroles buried in it 8) I want one!
[quote="Nicola I used to live in the States and loved the Cheesecake Factory [/quote]

Why do you think I'm moving back there!! :rotfl:

The is a drive through ice cream parlour about 10min from my in laws too! That is fab!!!
Oh I miss heaps about the states, drive through everything, ice cream parlours, cheesecake factory etc!! Hehehe, where abouts did you live? Where are you going back to live? I lived in Virginia but done a lot of travelling/visiting through Pennsylvania, Delaware etc
Nicola said:
Oh I miss heaps about the states, drive through everything, ice cream parlours, cheesecake factory etc!! Hehehe, where abouts did you live? Where are you going back to live? I lived in Virginia but done a lot of travelling/visiting through Pennsylvania, Delaware etc

We are going back to Houston, TX. My hubby is a Texan (yeeehaaaa!! :rotfl: )

We are hoping to go back within the next 6mths but plans keep changing!
Never been to TX, one of the states I've actually not visited!! I have friends in CT who are always taking mini vacations down there though so must be great....lucky you to have all those stores back again, I miss other stores like Hallmark, Hobby-Lobby, Michaels etc, oh I loved the Yankee Candle stores, Bed, Bath & Beyond etc. Oh and the house sizes....Envious now that I shan't live there again!! :cry:
Oh no! I'm going to have to ring my hubby at work and ask him to pick a few things up on the way back home.
Curry and Chips , doritos, salad cream and choclate fudge cake.
Mmmmmmmmmmm very tasty but not all at once :rotfl:

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