What do you normally buy?


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
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Im thinking of buying a few items from a wholesaler and selling on ebay in order to get some money together for the new baby (we have recently come back to the UK having lived in France for a year, and hubby is still jobless despite applying for over 200 IT contracts and contacting every agency in the UK :cry: ).

So wondered what you generally buy on-line from ebay or similar........ie jeans, shoes, baby clothes, household items etc???

A couple of years ago I dabbled and did really well, although that was the height of summer and I sold shorts and sandals!!

Any ideas very gratefully received!!!
My hubby bought a wholesale lot of baby stuff when I found out that I was pg last year - clothes box and a box of stuff like those hard bibs/cupboard locks/disposable bibs/dummies but to be honest, I wouldn't have even put Finn in the clothes for bed they were that awful - they were brand new too - just awful quality and colours etc! We never managed to sell any of the other bits either although the disposable bibs have come in handy!
baby and kids clothes mainly.i get loads off there.sometimes pretty stationary. oh and OH gets golf stuff off ebay.
Think ebay fees have just shot up so might want to check

MP3 players, make up, car bits, anything needed for the house.

I'm gona be after outside xmas decs!
I used to buy and sell bulk lots of ladies clothing always sold well but try and go for named stuff and make sure that you can see what your buying on the pictures

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