What a way to come into the world!

that is pretty amazing i have to say,
not sure i would be too pleased though lol
One of the reasons I dare not shop alone anymore.
If I go out DH is right beside me. I'd hate that!!

I hardly left the house in the last weeks and wouldn't have dared go out alone!
i only went out in the later days in my car and parked right outside OH's work place (and got a parking ticket :evil: )
tangerinedream said:
i only went out in the later days in my car and parked right outside OH's work place (and got a parking ticket :evil: )

snap, i went to asda's, parked for 2 mins and got a ticket.. then i went waddling bck and gave him shit.. he still never let me off :evil:
Being born in a Wilkinsons isn't the most glamourous of places to be born is it!
That's a good story to tell when she's older. xxx
i go out alone prefer always have mobile on me anyway :)
would be funny for me , considering i work for crown paint ( as pictured in that story ) !
Right. I was thinking about going to B&Q later (my builders seem to eat buckets and scrubbing brushes - what are they doing with them all because they don't ever seem to clean anything with them?!!) Now I'm definitely off to B&Q. I've tried pineapple and curry and sex and bouncing and nothing else has worked - it's got to be worth a go :lol: :lol: :lol:
Blimey. Just as well she didn't follow the example of the lady who gave birth in John Lewis the other month (or was it last year?). She actually named the baby John Lewis. Which is reasonable. But this poor little lass could have ended up as Wilkie (which is a boy's name, as in Wilkie Collins) which isn't anywhere near as nice!

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