What a difference a week makes!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2006
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I made a decision to turn the TV of in the house until Leorah is in bed as at 5½ months I realised she would just watch TV even when I called her :shock: Now its only the occassional Baby Einstein! Anyway I don't know if its related but in the last week she has been playing much more with her toys, sitting upright for up to 5 minutes, LOVES tummy time and then when she's had enough rolls to her back without screaming!!!! I have also started baby lead weaning and she has self fed herself all kinds of fruits, pitta bread, rice cakes, cucumber, red peppers, brocolli and has even worked out how to unclench her fist to get to the food in the middle!! Today she is having pasta in a herby tomato sauce, now that will be messy!! I just can't believe that each new day brings something new, on the down side she now only like mum, dad and the dog and when people come and coo at her in her puchchair she curls up her lip and does the biggest wettest raspberries you've ever heard, I feel like I should offer people tissues :oops:
:rotfl: :rotfl: at Leorah blowing raspberries at people.

Aw Katt sounds like you have had a fantastic week and so eventful.

Well done Leorah you have been a busy bee :clap:
How exciting about the weaning too.

Hope you are both well; feel like we haven't chatted for a while :hug:
aaaarw bless her!!
glad ur havin fun Katt, u sound much happier!! :cheer:
Hello my friends :hug:

I don't get on much nowadays as when Leorah naps I read in the garden, the weather is so nice and who knows how long it will stay that way?

I have booked my ticket from the 19th until 29th May so I was wondering if any of you London girls want to meet up again?

Kay we are much happier at the mo' but unbelievably Leorah has had another awful teething bout this past week and medicine doesn't seem to work anymore, hence the early weaning I have been giving her cold fruit and she took to it so well I introduced other stuff.

Tina I read Gabriella is 6 months already, I can't believe how quickly our little madams are growing up! Here is a pic specially for you just taken, pasta finished and a raspberry to let me know :rotfl:
haha so cute!!
i am definitely up for a meet again, im sure many others will be!!! :cheer: :cheer:
i will be (health allowing :x ).

kay, means you get a cuddle from alice this time :) plus we get to see jamie show of his new crawling skills! :dance:
Aw Katt that picture is hilarious :rotfl: Leorah is as gorgeous as ever.

I can't believe how fast the time has gone. Leorah will be 6 months soon!!!
Gabriella is such a happy, contented baby now. She even naps in her cot during the day; it's great!!!! (Hope I haven't jinxed myself)

I am still up for a meet in May; looking forward to it :D
awww god love her she looks as if she is so happy!
Alfuie does the rasberry thing I love it its so funyn! all the time! our little munchkins really are mirror versions of each other! like you said partners on crime. I will try the no tv thing see if Alfie becomes a bit hapier! Leorah is so beautiful Katt bet your so proud :hug:
Tina that is fantastic that Gabriella is so content now. How is the eczema? I hope it's better, I look forward to seeing you both again :hug:

:rotfl: @ Alfie also doing the raspberry thing!! It's Leorah's answer to everything now! I have been trying to do a sign for finished at the dinner table but whenever I do it she just blows a raspberry instead :lol: It also means hello, goodbye, I'm tired , i love you....

I am so proud of Leorah's start to baby lead weaning! She has taken to it so well and has refused nothing. Her favourite thing so far is pineapple but it was so slippery she kept dropping it so when it went to the floor I picked it up to wash it and she had the biggest tantrum I've ever heard :shock: I stuck it on a fork in the end but she wouldn't let me help and insisted on holding it herself, that's my independant diva :D She also loved mummy's garlicky guacamole on rice cakes and so surprisingly did my dog that was in position under the chair :lol:

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