I made a decision to turn the TV of in the house until Leorah is in bed as at 5½ months I realised she would just watch TV even when I called her
Now its only the occassional Baby Einstein! Anyway I don't know if its related but in the last week she has been playing much more with her toys, sitting upright for up to 5 minutes, LOVES tummy time and then when she's had enough rolls to her back without screaming!!!! I have also started baby lead weaning and she has self fed herself all kinds of fruits, pitta bread, rice cakes, cucumber, red peppers, brocolli and has even worked out how to unclench her fist to get to the food in the middle!! Today she is having pasta in a herby tomato sauce, now that will be messy!! I just can't believe that each new day brings something new, on the down side she now only like mum, dad and the dog and when people come and coo at her in her puchchair she curls up her lip and does the biggest wettest raspberries you've ever heard, I feel like I should offer people tissues