we're back...


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2006
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:wave: :wave:

In case anybody wondered about us, we're eventually back online properly and now no need to worry about trekking into town with a grumpy Ryan to check things at the library.

I'm nowhere near catching up with all the goss and I don't think I'll even bother trying to be honest I'll just start again from here.

I'm starting work 3 days a week on Monday and have done 2 "keeping in touch" days, one of which was today so I'm ker-nackered to say the least. Ryan's got 4 teeth now, still cruising the furniture and can stand on his own now occasionally for a few seconds. Crawls like a mad thing.. had a bit of an antibiotics drama where he had to go to hospital last week (see baby and toddler general section), but otherwise we're fine.

New house is fab, we've been on holiday which was not exactly a relaxing one but was a break nonetheless, got a lot of "firsts" in for Ryan... We stopped breastfeeding on 1st April because Ryan was too ill to do it, didn't have the energy so it seemed a convenient time for us both to give up - I'm going to breastfeeding group tomorrow though to see about being a peer supporter.

Erm, not sure there's a lot else going on.. I'll get some photo's up either later on or tomorrow as Ryan's changed so much recently.

Thanks to Clairescunny and Sarah&LJ for updating ppl when I've texted about stuff that's been going on, you guys have really kept me company :)

Hope everyone is well

ps- I did read about the fakers so yeah I know about that and thanks ppl for facebooking me to tell me... i only checked my messages just now so I wasn't being ignorant for not replying but facebook's not been too high on my priorities :)

pps- One Ryan photo just for the meantime while I upload some more.

welcome back :D
ryan looks so big now! :wave:

Hi Shel....welcome back! Glad everything is going well!

:wave: Ryan! Your toothypegs look F A B!!

Coooo-eeeeee :wave: :wave:
Lovely to have you back!! Wow, Ryan you are such a clever lil boy!! Well done on all your firsts, and Shell, so glad your house move has gone well.......looking forward to more piccies soon :D
welcome back! :wave:

aww, bless- he is such a cutey! and look at those lovely peggies- gosh milliepops still only has 2 which are ONLY just showing! lol
Hey Shelly Jelly Legs! Glad your back! :wave:

Ryan looks so grown up all of a sudden! He looks so sweet with his teeth (we still haven't got any :roll: !)!
welcome back :D
we missed ya on here!
Yay more ryan pics...i love ryan pics!!!
Chat soon hun :hug:
Great to see you back. Wow Ryan looks so grown up from when you last posted pics :D
Welcome back Shell :wave: Ryan is looking gorgeous as always :hug:
hey all,

been scanning a few of the sections and seems a lot has been going on. thanks for your welcoming messages :hug: means a lot to know you guys are there and appreciate us..

got to go for now.. i'll try and do photo's tomorrow afternoon if i get a chance when i come back from the breastfeeding group.

Welcome back, hope the housemove went OK
Ryan's really changed! :)
:wave: Welcome back Shell :hug:

Ryan looks so cheeky in that photo bless him :D

Good luck at your group today, You'd be fab at it :)
Welcome back, I'm glad the move went well. Look at Ryan, he's so grown up!
Welcome back Shell! :wave:

You have missed loads! but Ryan looks great!

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