VERY hungry newborn! advice needed.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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Aimee is 10 days old now and we've had to up her formula intake to 120mls but it doesn't seem to be enough. We are using SMA Gold and are considering switching to SMA White for hungrier babies but not too sure about it. It is getting frustrating when we've finished feeding her and she is still crying for more. Any advice would be much appreciated!!
Personally I wouldn't bother switching. If she is draining the bottle, wants more and she can manage it, go for it. Don't be concerned what it says on the tin - every wee one is different! If you're at all worried as your HV for advice.

Bear in mind that all SMA white does is sit in their stomach for longer to make them feel full. Works for some, though, but some folks find it can make their baby constipated (it made my cousin's wee one constipated which put me off).

:hug: :hug:
Thanks daftscotslass. We are going to up her intake again to 160mls and see how it goes. I have my first HV visit tomorrow afternoon so I am going to discuss this with her. I kept forgetting to ask the MWs as I was occupied with them staring up my bum and fanjita at my stitches and talking about my piles! :lol: I also found the MW visits to be rushed as well which didn't help.
Just increase her intake hun. She wont take what she wont want :D

Her hunger will go up and down so much the next few months dont worry about it :hug:
Also - are you sure she's not got wind? That can make them want to suck for comfort and feel hungry :hug: :hug:
OK not a forumla feeder but given it to lots of babies. I'd think it was a bit early to be trying hungry baby before trying other things first. Increase and see how she goes. Each baby is different. Also iirc hungry baby formula means they take less just feel fuller. She is so young I'd not want to be messing around changing unless there was a real need. Also her feeding demands will go up and down over time.

Ditto what someone else said, the crying could be needing winding and sucking helps the discomfort to a degree (but not if more food goes down, only adds to the problem). I'd be inclined to give the feed, wind and wait for a little while and see if she settles or is still really looking for more.

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