US woman gives birth to octuplets

and she wants to breastfeed all 8!! she wont be doing anything else with 8!!
Wow, Amazing, Good Luck to her, Bless Her!

Am afraid to say i'd be like 'Give me a Bottle Though' lol! Couldn't breastfeed that many, i've wondered before how i'd manage that with twins never mind 8 !!
I'm sorry if this image is disturbing but what the hell will her breasts & nipples look like after breastfeeding EIGHT babies?!!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Oh dear god....I disturb even myself sometimes :shock:
:shock: My sister was telling me about this earlier, I cant believe they all survived. Its amazing. :clap: Sod her luck breast feeding though, she'll never have a baby off her breasts :shakehead: :talkhand:
But you've got to admire her for not having any terminated, no doubt they would of made her try, well done that woman :clap:
Were they from IVF or completely natural? It didn't say in the article or the news.
I think they were ivf but only going on what my sis said. Gonna have a look on Sky news.
my first reaction when i heard she was breast feeding was 'does she have udders?" :think:
Good luck to her and her boobs!!!! :rotfl: My sis did 9 months with her first and only 3 months with her twins she said it nearly killed her just utter exhaustion!!! Her boobs dont look too bad but with eight they will end up like shopping bags!!!
8!! :shock: Blimey, she's going to have her hands full. Can you get filing cabinets with cots in each drawer?

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