TTC rant!


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
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Sorry need to let off steam, but does it annoy anyone else that you can do every thing by the book (or one book depending which style you want to follow! Ie, BD every day or BD every other day! :D )
and yet your body still refuses to co operate!
Im not due to test to feb, but my hormones are raging today, poor hubby has taken to hiding in the spare room to be at a safe distance, which to me screams af is gonna show her face one day soon, also the fact I have been feeling yucky is another af sign!!!

yet this is were my rant comes in, I know of a 20 yr old who has slept with a guy a couple times,(kinda one night stand!) and shes up the bloody duff! Shes now going round showing off a non exsistent bump proud as punch, ok dont get me wrong Im pleased for her, but grrrr no fair!

I wonder if its an age thing, I know as you get older your egg numbers slows down but purlease!! give us oldies a chance!!!!!! (im 27 ftr!) or is it hubbys unhealthy eating habits killing off his spermies? he refuses to eat fruit and veg prefering hot curries (I read in one book, curries are bad well hot spicy food is bad!)

I just want to know weres the logic, I havent been trying for long, and know on here there are some who have been trying for months, and damn if I feel like this now I really feel for you that have been trying for a lot longer and i know its no help but i want to leave you a load these...

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:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
i understand what you mean

me and oh had this conversation the other day, like all these chavs on jeremy kyle that have slept with blokes and got pregnant on 1 night stands etc and then there is people that try for months, years even and really really want a baby, makes no sense!
I wonder if its an age thing, I know as you get older your egg numbers slows down but purlease!! give us oldies a chance!!!!!! (im 27 ftr!) or is it hubbys unhealthy eating habits killing off his spermies? he refuses to eat fruit and veg prefering hot curries (I read in one book, curries are bad well hot spicy food is bad!)

My hubbies diet is terrible and I have had 4 pregnancies and 3 children! He only eats hot curries and hardly ever touches fruit and veg, so try not to panic on this one. A friend of mine had been with her fella for a few months, decided that they wanted to try for a baby, so she came off the pill. Within 3 weeks she was pregnant. Then she decided that she didn't think having a baby would be a good idea and then terminated the pregnancy at 10 weeks. Her OH was devestated.

The longest I have tried to TTC is 5 yrs, but hubby was working nights and I wasn' charting or anything so I don't think we were BD'ing at the right time. We were only ever able to BD on a Sat night lol.

Believe it or not, my pg symptoms are identical to my af symptoms. So I am confused every month. My cycle also ranges from 14-32 days ffs. Before Xmas I was having af every 2 weeks (we weren't TTC then). Then this month, I went 32 days as was getting all excited. Mother Nature sure has some answering to do!
Totally agree with you Spaceangel!!

It winds Mick and I up too, we get mad with people like Kate Moss, she was caught openly doing drugs and even though she says she is clean I very much doubt it!! Yet if she was any other parent she would have had her child taken away, gone to prison etc etc.

And how do these people concieve in the first place they put so much sh*t in to there bodies yet still manage to produce so unfair :wall: :wall:

Regarding your OH, I have got mine on a multivitamin as he doesnt eat all that well at work and I just said help me out and just take one a day and bless him he agreed, small ask really and he feels he is doing his bit to help!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

P.S. Baby B has done a thread called "feeling over emotional" thats great to have a moan on I'm on there a lot hun come join us its good to get things off your chest x x

Anyway you may be preg not the dreaded AF :think: :think: !!! Fingers crossed :hug:
Tell me about it!!! Everyone around me is suddenly getting pregnant whether they want it or not. NO FAIR!!! It's some stupid statistic that each month you only have 25% chance of getting pregnant so surely over a 4 month period you should catch it once....shouldn't you?!! :lol: I know, woman logic but it makes me so annoyed.

We were trying 20 months before I finally got pregnant but that didn't work out so i'm back to square one again.

One day! :pray:

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