TOTALLY unrelated thread but funny...


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2010
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Today my friend called me and said "just wondered if you wanted to pop round this afternoon as the fire brigade are coming to fit smoke detectors in our house and wondered if Josie wants to see the fire engine?"

So I say : "don't be silly they're not going to send a whole fire engine out just to fit smoke detectors in your house?"

she says "well i think they might.. they said they might have to shoot off if they get a 999 call?"

So off i go to her house and we sit there waiting for 2:30 to come round when they said they would be there...

i keep saying "it's NEVER going to be a fire engine - it'll be a retirement age firefighter turn up in a little white van with a couple of smoke detectors"

I told her that her hubby (who arranged the whole thing) was winding her up and not to be so gullible…

well… lo and behold at 2:30 on the dot...... the local WHITEWATCH roar up in the fire engine!!!!!!!!!

So excited and shrieking i take my little girl Josie (who is 4) and my friends little boy who is 7 weeks younger than Josie out to the fire engine and there are 8 firemen all in the fire engine!!! 2 get out - one to do paperwork , the other to fit the smoke detectors and the rest of them let the kids climb all over the fire engine, try on their helmets and take photos of the fire engine!!! I stand there chatting to the firemen for 20 minutes while friend is in the house filling in paperwork!!!

So anyway I don’t know if this just Essex fire brigade but if you want an afternoon of fun-filled firefighter excitement down your street then ring your local fire station and ask for the free smoke detectors to be fitted -lol!!! Apparently they only do one a day and might cancel at anytime or have to shoot off if they get a call! They were so good letting the kids in the drivers seat and everything!


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aww thats so good. and ur daughter is so cute ! x
That's mint! When they came round mine it actually was just two guys, no engine or nowt, I feel so cheated!
Wow thSt is just great! Will bare in mind when LO older! Had to laugh at your friend though stuck inside doing the paperwork while u had all the fun xx
Oh I LOVE it... partial to a fireman lol... think we need some smoke detectors fitting too :rofl:

Great pix, bet the LOs loved it xxx

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