time out?


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2007
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rhys has started pinching and biting :wall: he doesnt do it out of anger or anything he just randomly does it whilst we're playing or cuddling. i dont think he realises that it hurts me

ive been saying no and moving him away but i dont think its made any difference

rhys has time out for when hes angry or having tantrums.. do i need to put him in time out for this too?

My LO is now where near your LO's age yet but quite a few of the mums i meet up with have toddlers and have spoken about "time out" when their LO has tatrums e.t.c

Personnaly If Rhys is doing something that hurts he does need to understand that its not a good or nice thing to do, perhaps have a naughty step or something but use it for short periods to start with as maybe he still doesnt understand that what he is doing is wrong. The problem will be when he starts doing it to other children, best nip it in the bud before it carrys on.

sorry if I havnt been much help.

T xx
I dont know how old ur little un is but my 2 year old is going through it. It started as something he just did (without understanding) and then he realised it got a reaction off his brother and sister. When ever he does it I tell him no sturnly and take him away from the situation. If he tries to go back i stop him which usually results in a tantrum and then he calms down again.
thanks girls for your replies!
its nice to know im not alone

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