Time for antenatal???


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Has anyone booked their antenatal classes yet?

I've been told (by one of those people who always offer you well meaning advice but really do it to make you bl**dy nervous!) that I should have booked in already :think:

Just wondering when is the right time to book a course and where on earth do I find one!? My midwife hasn't talked to me about any of this stuff yet...she hasn't even mentioned the birth either...just gave me a 20 minute lecture on breastfeeding at my first 8 week appointment! :shock:
When I went for my 20 week scan they gave me a leaflet saying when you get to 24 weeks you should call them to book onto the antenatel class in your area.

I was having a nosey in Tri 3 not long ago & loads of them were saying they haven't been to any though :shock:
I was told also to book them after the 20 wk scan. So think you should be ok, just ask at your next apointment.
I went to antenatal classes with my first but i havent been to any since. I'm not going to go this time either.
I start my parentcraft classes in 2 weeks time. It was all arranged for me and was just told when and where to go. xx

They last for 2 hours over 4 weeks. xxx
When i saw my midwife for the 1st time.. she mentioned them to me and gave me a leaflet with a email address and phone number on... she recommended to book at around 18 weeks as they get full quite fast... I booked mine when i was 16 1/2 weeks... just to make sure i got an evening class.... - they start at the end of Nov..... hubbys not looking forward to them LOL - he'd prefer to go to the breastfeeding classes.. but i told him.. these are for females only.. he was well disappointed... MEN!!!!
They only have parent craft classes in Spanish...my midwife said that I "HAVE" to go on them....(what?? She gona stop me having the baby if I dont :rotfl: )...also the leaflet said...learning to be a good parent... which I find offensive considering I should be given 8 years of course credit!... I would like to go though and meet other mothers...but in all honesty I don't think I will bother.
nct is so booked up down here i dont think ill be able to get on course now!! so doing hypobirthing and yoga classes instead!! x
I've just been for my MW appointment & she said have you booked your antenatal classes yet? I said the leaflet said to do it at 24 weeks & she said just ring & book it now as they get full really quickly

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