Think baby is movin on down!


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2011
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All day today and yesterday I've felt a lot more pressure in my pelvis!

Today I then felt like someone had attached a string to the inside of my bellybutton and was pulling it right down and out wee lady area :shock: it was almost like a sharp itch if you know what I mean?

I've felt sick all day too! Maybe it's babies head starting to engage? Or move down a bit?

Has anyone else felt like someone's poking you through the belly button? X
Does your bump look like its dropped hunny? At the beginning of the week mine dropped quite abit at one stage i thought it had gone smaller and at the midwife yesterday she confirmed she was engaged, havent had any pulling feeling in my belly button though x x

Funnily enough my mum said my bump looked lower, but I didn't realise that could mean baby is engaged? X oooh, will have to keep an eye on it and see if it does get any lower! X
Your LO could well be bearing down. Whens your next midwife appointment hunny? They will be able to tell you for definate whether LO is engaged.
With my little man he was engaged from about 26 weeks I think and even though i was getting alot of pressure, i still went over by 5 days but its nice to know they are thinking about getting ready x x

Think my next appt is at 35 weeks, so 2 weeks from now xx it might be 34 weeks though lol I'll need to check my notes x midwife did say babies head was low at last appt, but not engaged yet, was still free x maybe it's moved down now :) ooooh exciting stuff hehe! X
Getting the low down pressure, and kind of get the funny down there feeling.

At my 31 week appointment, head was free but pointing down, didn't think until now that what i'd been feeling could be pickle starting to engage.

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