the wedding


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2008
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well i know this'll be quick as i wanna enjoy wedded bliss today so i not got much time to catch up with posts etc... but the day went amasing it ran sooo smove i was so nervouse and giggled my way though the seromony, i just couldn't believe we were FINALY doing it :dance: :dance: it was just so amasing, at the reception we had a lovely time except one tiffy on Mats side becasue i told one of his family off for putting lippy and perfume on Emma, i didn't mind at all except she didn't know me or my daughter at all except i had met her in a flying visit once and emma could of been alergic to anything on the lippy/ perfume etc... pluss she didn't ask and as far as i was conserned after having a go at her that was it (i didn't really shout or anyhting just said what i said) that was the end of it but then a few people got upset bla bla it was all sorted out rather quickly luckkily :D and we left at 9 as i felt like i was going to pass out i was sooooooooooooo tired having been up since 4 am that morning lol it was amasing we even had karaoke :rotfl: :rotfl: that was so funny watching mats grooms men doing it then all the men did a dance to hot stuff from full monty :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: while the grooms men sang to it
Awww darling sounds like you had an amazing day :evil: at the lipstick and perfume thing! at least it all got sorted darling! looking forward to seeing the pics xxx
Awww sounds as if you had am amazing day chick (apart from the lippy & perfume incident!)

Looking forward to seeing your pics!
sounds like you had a wonderful day hun and cant wait to see all the pics :hug: :hug:
aww hun glad it went well we want pics when you get back xx
Glad your day went well :D
Are you going to put some pics on? :)
Only just seen this post Anna!!!! :wall:

Glad the wedding went well sounds like you had a fantastic day, hope the honeymoon was just as good :dance:

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