The latest Harry Potter film


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
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Possible spoilers.

Does anyone think it's actually quite frightening for a kids film? I thought it was a dark film and I was shocked at the couple instances of violence towards children (i.e when that new headmistress slaps Harry across the face and when the Lula (if that's her name) gets kicked in the face and has blood coming out of her mouth).
Depends what age group... :think:

I know Tia couldn't watch the second film when it came out, it was too scary for her, I think she was about 6 at the time... but she turned 8 this year and has since become much more accustomed violence in general... sounds terrible.. but she loved Jurassic Park and Xmen which have both been on tele recently.. I think it's because this year she has finally cottoned on to the fact that the people in the film are actors and are making it all up... and it isn't real... Tbh she gets more upset at the news, especially about Iraq and Afghanistan because her father is stationed out there and she knows its real... So I have to be very careful about what I watch news wise.

I let Tia watch the new movie as we are currently reading the book, which is just as dark tbh... and well she loved the movie but was slightly taken aback because "it's nothing like the book" (this is true though)... :rotfl: :rotfl:

She was totally involved in the movie from the beginning to the end and loved every minute of it... and she never got nightmares or anything.. which she gets if I let her see the news.

I think the movie is PG right, so Parental Guidence means you take it upon yourself as a parent to let your child watch a movie which may contain scenes that are inappropriate for younger children. I watched the new movie first before I let Tia watch it.. and like you thought it was quite strong, especially where Luna get's hit, and Harry gets punished with the quill... but she was fine with it all in all... and the suspense just dragged her along.
Oh yes... and I forgot.. NOW she "NEEDS" the new Harry Potter DVD for xmas apparently... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
You will probably think im a terrible mother, but i let stephen wathc it and hs 3 but i have explained to him that some of its pretend like the violent bits, i told him that when he sees blood its ketchup! and when we watched it last night night he said mummy ketchup and giggled so i know hes not frightend by it.
He believe in the magic though and it really is his fav film at the moment and im not going to stop him from watching it, hes not frightend by it.

I woul not though let him watch more adult films like kill bill o anything but harry potter.......its for kids and adults and i feel as long as i watch it with him its ok.

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