The last Christmas as we know it!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2015
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Hi ladies,

It is so exciting for me to write my first post!
Since finding out I am pregnant I have been on here each day and have really took comfort in everyone's post and it was good to know others were worrying like myself.
I am 6 + 4 days today!
I have no symptoms at all yet and actually said to my husband all I want for Christmas this year is morning sickness!
I am maybe a little more tired than usual but other then that I have no symptoms!.
Anybody else the same here?

I have had to stop myself going to buy more tests as I just can't get over the feeling of seeing the 2 lines or the word pregnant!

It is exciting to think this time next year we will have our first baby to enjoy Christmas so I will enjoy my last Christmas Eve in work tomorrow knowing that!!

Are many of you telling your parents this Christmas Day?
I am counting down the hours to share our news!

Hope you all have a very happy Christmas

MrsC it's so exciting isn't it!!!!

I'm afraid I am having symptoms, I'm crampy as hell and sore boobs but I take comfort from it. I posted earlier today about doing another test because I was sooo sure both the tests I'd done were wrong. This time I got a clearblue and oh my lord I couldn't get over seeing "pregnant" it was amazing!!!

I told my husband last night with a merry Christmas daddy card, his face was a permanent grin from ear to ear. I told my parents and brother in the same way with Christmas cards! I said I wasn't going to tell anyone but I've told quite a few people but it's so exciting!!!

Just think this time next year it will be our babies 1st Christmas! I have to pinch myself still can't believe we finally did it!!!
This was the best Christmas present ever.

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Congratulations MrsC! it's such an exciting time of year!!
we're going to tell our parents Christmas day... they'll think it's odd that I'm not drinking! I can't wait to tell them... especially my mum. Ever since getting our BFP I've wanted to tell everyone!!
wishing you a happy & healthy 9 months xx
I am so happy for you and what a lovely way to announce your news!
I did a first response initially and got a dark positive line but my husband couldn't believe his eyes and we rushed to the chemist to buy a clear blue one.
I will never forget reading the word pregnant! It's just a shame it disappears off there.

I really should count myself lucky then that I am feeling normal at the minute as I am sure it will hit me soon!
I actually am going the toilet a lot more then usual, so I lie, I have 2 symptoms!

I hope you have a lovely Christmas Day.
It will be really nice seeing in the new year now with our good news then it will only be a few more weeks to wait till our scans!!

Hiya LR456

I know. I just want to shout it from the roof tops too!

I am off out tonight to buy non-alcoholic wine as we were just going to tell our parents on Christmas Day and then announce to our families when we get our scan (that's if we can hold our news till then!)

Hope you have a lovely Christmas Day sharing your news!
I actually have butterflies waiting now!

I've got quite a few symptoms- sore boobs, itchy nipples, headaches, tense jaw, cramps, nausea. Lol I'm sure there's probably more! Can't well to tell both set of parents, we're doing it tomorrow. X
I was originally planning on telling my oh on Xmas day, and as some of my family will be here for Xmas, they would have found out too. I only lasted 4 days, my oh is a lot more perceptive then I give him credit for, and he guessed. I really bloated up early on, and he really surprised me because he actually knew when I was due on!
Oh my fairyprincess you really have all the symptoms!
Flinty84 you did so well to last 4 days! I came screening out the bathroom when i seen the 2 lines and he got the fright of his life!
Enjoy sharing your news today!

I am actually having the most vivid dreams the last few nights, they feel so real and I wake up and can remember them like they really happened.

I actually don't care about all my symptoms cos it means I'm pregnant lol. Ask me again in a few weeks though lol!

Vivid dreams is another symptom for you- at least they're an easy one to deal with! X
Oooh you won't be saying that soon, fairy princess... I said exactly the same then from 8 weeks I was sick as a dog 4-5times daily (mainly evening) my boobs are so achy and my nipples are SUPER sensitive even the pressure from the shower head tickles them now,my back is aching and I just have nausea now...only the plus side I'm 20+4 now so I'm just over halfway!! My last xmas as a 2 some me and my excited! Wishing you all a happy and healthy new year with your developing bundles!xxx
I will enjoy my very few symptoms whilst they last so as the sickness 4-5 times a day andrearav does not sound appealing!!

I skipped into work today knowing it is my last Christmas eve!

No the sickness was not appealing at all. Luckily I got some sickness tablets which helped a lot and I was only sick once from 10 weeks-18 week's. Xx
Our plan was to tell our families Christmas Day - plan didn't go to plan! They have found out already as they had to (I'm 5 weeks) as I have been in hospital last weekend. Thank god the pregnancy is in the right place but just feeling so wobberly & low about it all & had visions I would be so excited like all you ladies but I'm not & im cross that I'm not :(

I just want to skip time & get to the 12 week scan!!

Went to doctors today to be re-assured , so I am so looking forward to this time next year where we will have our babies 1st Christmas! Got to keep positive! :)

Merry Christmas ladies :) xxxx
Told both sets of parents today! They were so happy- my mum cried and so did FIL. He also inappropriately asked DH if he was the Dad! Obviously a joke btw. Telling 2 of my brothers tomo x
Hope you are feeling better now Lou and you had a nice Christmas yesterday.
I am also counting down the days till the 12 week scan.

I think it feels more real now our parents know. I haven't stopped smiling!
Hope you are feeling better now Lou and you had a nice Christmas yesterday.
I am also counting down the days till the 12 week scan.

I think it feels more real now our parents know. I haven't stopped smiling!

Feeling a bit better thank you :) less low than the other day! Still worrying but then again I'm such a worrier!
I'm turning my nose to every food in sight! Haven't got the appetite for anything! Really am not hungry - & usually I'm such a foodie!
Just spent the day with my hubby in our P.J's chilling :)

Did you have a nice Christmas? What did you get? Bet your rents were happy :dance:

Think I'll be excited & won't stop smiling when I get the 12 week scan! I'm so inpatient & it doesn't feel real!!

Happy Boxing Day!

Please don't wish for sickness! Like you at your stage I wished for sickness and ended up with hyperemesis gravidarum and was sick up to 60 times a day .. months off of work!! Bad teeth
.. plus lots of other problems that followed xxx
Yeah I really am counting myself lucky as I haven't felt nauseous once.
I am just worrying and looking for a symptom to put me at ease.
Once I have my scan I will feel much better!
I haven't stopped eating and have just woken up hungry!

I had the same day yesterday staying in my pyjamas and watching films all day, you can't beat being off at Christmas


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