The Implant


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2008
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I've reached the top of the waiting list for the Implant now and my consultation appointment is 1st August- has anyone else got it?

What is the scar/bruising like? Can you clearly see it under the skin? What is the bleeding like after having one fitted? Any other probs?

:D No more babies and no more condoms for a while for me! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Depends on how easy you bruise, my bruising lasted around 3 days and wasn't that bad at all. But i have seen a friend have it done and she looked like she had been beaten up and it lasted alot longer than a few days.
I have had mine removed now, due to my body not taking to it very well, but i have no scar at all where it was.

You can feel it under the skin but no one will be able to see it, only you because you know its there.

I dont recall any bleeding what so ever when i had the implant put in, it was mainly the bruising the day after it was put in.

Although i know you are going to have it, and i don't want to put a downer on it as many people cant praise the implant enough. I piled on the weight with it, and as soon as it was taken out i noticed that the weight just seemed to all drop back off, so i know it was the cause. And i did bleed for months at a time without any stopping. But i'm not very good at all with hormone based contraception so that might be why.

And it doesn't hurt, well i heard horror stories and was sooooo scared when i went for it put in but i hardly felt a thing.
I had the implant fitted when Calleigh was 7 weeks old.
Once they put the implant in my arm they put a pressure bandage on to help with the bruising. Luckily i had none at all, just left with a tiny mark where the implant went in. It didnt hurt either to put in as they completely numb the area before.
You can feel it under the skin but you definately cant see it.
I have had only one bleed since having the implant which was not long after i had it fitted and it lasted bout ten days. Nothing since :) Hoping not to get any more to be honest or at least only light periods.
It didnt hurt all (they injeted me first with the local anasthetic), then it hurt just a tny bit and I had no bruising. Now there is just a tiny spot where it went it. I hsve it for 2 months, no periods yet.

A great thing really! :dance: :hug:
had mine fitted in march I think. There is a thread by me in this section. I bled non stop for 6 weeks so was put on the pill to control the bleeding. Thing is, if I stop taking the pill I start bleeding. So a bit pointless for me. Although I suppose its a back up incase I forget a pill.
i had the implant but unfortunately i didnt get along very well with it. i had constant spotting and light bleeding 24/7 for the whole time i had it, i even had to take the mini pill too to try and control it, which i thought was pointless. getting it in and having it removed was ok really, tad uncomfortable and only a little scar. and i managed to fall pregnant straight away after having it removed which was great, sadly it was just the constant bleeding without having a proper AF. i found the injection brilliant. it is great not having to worry about taking the pill every day and not having to wear wellies! good luck xx
I had the implant- no bleed, 1st one bruised sooooo badly and the stitches kept falling off so my arm bled alot.

That one was danaged play fighting with my friend - it looked like it bentin half!!!

The 2nd was no much briusing at all but my arm hurt for about 2 days.... it is getting it removed which bruises the most.

The scars aren't very pretty either!!!!!

I will be getting it after I have the baby but only because of the 3 year time scale etc.......
I had no probs with having it fitted - minimal pain and bruising, but I had months of continuous (although light) bleeding so I had it taken out. I had no problems with weight gain but it did make me feel quite lethargic and irritable.
Not saying this to put you off but I had the implant and had to have it removed! Now I dont recommend it to anyone lol!
It was fine for the first year! No periods :cheer: not probs! Well so I thought! The reason I had no periods was really because I still have the injection in my system so that stopped them! Once that wore off I bled irratically! Had to take the pills to stop the bleeding! Also I put on weight like a balloon! In the 18 months I had it I gained 2 stone! I thought it was because of my thyroid but doc told me it would have been more likely the implant!!

I know others though who are fine with it! I hope your one of them!! :cheer: Didnt hurt at all putting it in! Taking it out was worse but not bad! Just worse than putting it in lol!
I had the implant for nearly two years ... it was great in terms of I had no periods at all for all of that time!! Woooo :D

However i did put on about three stone in that time, and although i am eating exactly the same now, possibly even more i am slowly losing it :? !

Also what was annoying was it took 3 months on my doctors waiting list to get it removed, not really a problem for most lol, but i was impatient at TTC! Also I have 2 small but ugly scars (probaly just to me as I know they are there lol :?

I don't know if i would have it again, though i am useless at taking the pill so ...
x...Kirsty...x said:
I don't know if i would have it again, though i am useless at taking the pill so ...

Me too! Im going to get the injection for a while too and OH is going for the snip!! :shock:
lea m said:
Me too! Im going to get the injection for a while too

I'd never even heard of the injection before reading it here on PF :wall: lol, but i think that would probaly be the way for me to go as well! :D
KittyMom said:
lea m said:
Me too! Im going to get the injection for a while too

I'd never even heard of the injection before reading it here on PF :wall: lol, but i think that would probaly be the way for me to go as well! :D
Its great!! I had it before the implant and apart from a pain the the butt every 3 months lol no periods and I didnt put on half as much weight as i did on the implant! Docs dont like you taking it for more than 5 years though apparently! Which is plenty of time for them to find something new and better I think hahaha
I had the implant for just over 2 years before I got pregnant, I didnt have any bleeding from having it put in just a bruise, you can't see it under the skin but can feel it when you give it a wobble :roll:
I didn't have a single period since the date I had it inserted to the date i discovered I was pregnant. :shock:
I did however have it removed as I'd gained a fair bit of weight but TBH that could of just been down to me having a boyfriend and settling into the lets go for something to eat/see a film routine, rather than my past habits of staying out all weekend drinking, smoking and getting round the bend on hardly anything to eat :oops:.
And may I just announce that I'm living breathing proof that it doesnt affect your fertility... had it out november the 6th 2008 and HEY PRESTO im with child! :rotfl:
Same here!! I had the implant taken out begining of feb, continued taking cerazette for a couple weeks but then decided to stop! Got BFP in March! Didnt think I was pregnant as I hadnt bled since having the implant and stopping the pill! But I was! :cheer:
lea m said:
Same here!! I had the implant taken out begining of feb, continued taking cerazette for a couple weeks but then decided to stop! Got BFP in March! Didnt think I was pregnant as I hadnt bled since having the implant and stopping the pill! But I was! :cheer:

I had the implant, I really liked it as i felt like i could get on things without having to worry about taking pills etc. Also it lasts for 3 years so you dont need to worry until next time :)

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