The Great Big Tri 3 Moaning Thread!


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2011
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Hi Ladies,

I thought that since Tri 3 seems to bring quite a few issues/challenges/annoyances we could start a thread for all the Tri 3ers to share their ailments :lol:

Sometimes I feel like all I do now I'm in tri three is moan! So figured we could have all our moans in one place and have a good wee laugh about it, as well as it being good for mummies to see if others are going through the same as them :)

Here are some of the joys I'm experiencing!

- Fed up with being swollen if I don't already look fat enough :roll:
- Heartburn :wall2:
- Fed up being told different things by different midwives! one midwife tells me baby feels small, another says baby feels
- I need a small crane to help me turn in bed at night... :shock:

Feel free to moan away ladies, and any tips or hints about how to feel more comfortable in general are much appreciated! :D
Heartburn & not being able to get comfortable........ever. If I could spend the next 4 weeks in a hot bath I so would!!
Getting a stitch in my side and shin splints and tight calves when Ive only been walking for 5 mins! Not good when commuting to work!
How the hell does Paula Radcliffe run a a marathon when 6 months pg ??!!
Not being able to sleep on my stomach! Oh how I wish I could do that every night!
Good idea, let's get our moans out!
Nightly leg cramps and hip pains never get them in the day though, strange!
Feeling nauseous randomly, welcome back to tri 1 :0(
Can't wait to get a whole nights sleep without getting up to wee 6 times or screaming with bloody cramp in my leg, recon I haven't had a nights sleep since very early in tri 1.........
Def wish I could sleep on my stomach!
Not liking the needle rising on my bathroom scales either!
Lack of a sex life, although that's what caused this in the first place lol!
Lol love that last bit sarah13!! And what a great idea for a thread.... mines the pain of spd think I could borrow that small crane to help me turn in bed? So wish could sleep on tummy miss it so much. Peein in the night a million times every time I turn I have to get up lol, and I'm struggling to bend as my bump is so hard and solid all the time. So I have a feeling I may be giving birth to a small elephant in just over a month !! X

PLEASE PLEASE tell me how to get rid x have tried milk and mints xx
Constipation, took lactulose yesterday and this morning and still nothing :wall2:
* Heartburn all day EVERYDAY and night! :strangle:
*Sitting down, standing up, turning over in bed, getting up the stairs, walking for longer than 5minutes! Shaving! MOVING!! :cry:
*Hip, leg, pubic bone and coxis pain! OUCHH!
*Blocked nose EVERY night!
*Struggling to breath when he is laid on my arteries!
* Nausea! :sick:
*Not being able to sleep on my tummy! Or sides! or anyway if he has his own way!

There i feel much better now :blush:
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PLEASE PLEASE tell me how to get rid x have tried milk and mints xx

I got stronger Gaviscons from the Dr, free prescription too! Doesnt get rid of it for ever but eases it for a while!
Well I've been up sick all night... Getting fed up with "morning sickness" now!! X

Hurry up baby! :brat:
heartburn deffo!
struggling to shave my legs in the shower
wearing a wardrobe consisting of large tent like dresses and leggings :roll:
not being able to drink :oooo:
twitching foot in bed at night :eh: will be all worth it ladies :)

Back feels like it's gonna snap but as Pos said it will be worth it, 5 weeks left for me from tomorrow, hope he isn't late! and this is my last baby, getting too old for all this lol
Try eating about 4 weetabix's at the same time instead of 2, that seems to work for me :shock: lol :) x
Where do I start!! :rofl:
-Hip pain when in bed,
-unable to get comfy in bed,
-unable to roll over in bed,
-unable to get out of bed,
-pelvic pain,
-pain when walking,
-pain, pain and pain :lol:
-constant hunger
-intense pressure in my bits that makes me feel like I'm passing a beachball through my bits,
-the waiting for something to happen,
-return of nausea,
-feeling helpless cos I can't walk or stand or drive or Hoover up etc so need to rely on my mum and oh,
-knowing my life is going to imminently change forever but having no clue as to what it will be like,
-the endless waiting....
what a great thread. heres my list:
- pelvis being knocked out of place so can barely stand/walk
-being bored out of my head as everyones at work or uni when i only work weekends and uni told me no point going back yet
-constant hunger even if ive just eaten
-tiredness throughout my pregnancy
-gaining weight big enough as it is
- lack of clothes
-too many hospital appointment
-the horror of waiting to see what labour will be like and thinking about it

cant wait till december...
mines just morning sickness still and the increase in needing a wee in the night! xx
Currently having a lie down in works first aid room to rest belly but have to lay on horrid itchy blanket and wafer thin pillow!
Why can't they put in something super deluxe just for me lol

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