the bells of the ice cream van


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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i have a problem.

at 7pm i pop baby budge to bed. She sleeps in the front bedroom.
At around 7.15 - 7.30 the ice cream van comes up or road tinkling his bells and parks RIGHT outside our house.
Needless to say baby budge wakes up and cries.
She settles back down eventually but its not the point. :x

I can't put her to bed later as she becomes over tired and won't settle.

Is there any laws on ice cream van bells?

Do you think i should have a word with the ice cream man? Hes a friendly chap and im sure he won't mind and his icecreams are fab ,i just don't want to make a fuss and look a pratt LOL

Its just that its become sort of an obsession now. Even my mum who lives next door says when she hears the bells she thinks i must be going mad now LMAO :rotfl: And i am !

what shall i do?
maybe isa you explained it to him he may park a little up the road :D
I'm so sorry your baby woke up from the bells. My first question was "Can't she sleep in the back bedroom (if there is one)?" If not, then perhaps asking the ice-cream van man to stop a bit further down the road could work.
I'd go out, buy an ice cream, and politely ask he either turn the bells off sooner or park a little further away :)
Its a nightmare round here for icecream vans. We have 4 different van that come and park on our front up till 9pm at night. I've reported 2 of them to the environmental health and the were really good.
I know I sound like a real Victor Meldrew but they have been driving me mad for years.
They aren't allowed to chimes there bells before 12pm and after 7pm.
They aren't allowed to ring them for more than 10 seconds I think it is but not too sure on that one.
They shouldn't come round more than once in 2 hours or play them twice in the same street.
There are lots of other things you can get them on too but I don't remember them all.
emeraldsroses said:
I'm so sorry your baby woke up from the bells. My first question was "Can't she sleep in the back bedroom (if there is one)?" If not, then perhaps asking the ice-cream van man to stop a bit further down the road could work.

there is a back bedroom but my 3 other daughters sleep in there.
Im not sure that parking up the road will stop her waking up. The belss are so loud they would wake her as he passed.
7.30 to me seems unreasonable late for such a noise.
Am i being unreasonable ?

:( its doing my head in.
kellie80 said:
Its a nightmare round here for icecream vans. We have 4 different van that come and park on our front up till 9pm at night. I've reported 2 of them to the environmental health and the were really good.
I know I sound like a real Victor Meldrew but they have been driving me mad for years.
They aren't allowed to chimes there bells before 12pm and after 7pm.
They aren't allowed to ring them for more than 10 seconds I think it is but not too sure on that one.
They shouldn't come round more than once in 2 hours or play them twice in the same street.
There are lots of other things you can get them on too but I don't remember them all.

now thats helpful. Ill have to time him next time.
I don't want to get rid of him altogether. Hes been doing it for years. Its just that he comes to late IMO and the bells are disturbing my daughter.
He does go up and down the street tinklingthebell though. That more than once every two hours :think: naughty man
Urchin said:
I'd go out, buy an ice cream, and politely ask he either turn the bells off sooner or park a little further away :)

yeah ill do that. Hes known me since i was a little girl so im sure he will be ok.
If i didn't know him then i wouldn't be so cautious if that makes sense. :lol:
budge said:
Urchin said:
I'd go out, buy an ice cream, and politely ask he either turn the bells off sooner or park a little further away :)

yeah ill do that. Hes known me since i was a little girl so im sure he will be ok.
If i didn't know him then i wouldn't be so cautious if that makes sense. :lol:

If that doesn't work just take down his number plate and the name on the van and ring environmental health. We still have the same vans coming round now but never after 7pm after the polite warning they had. :wink:
Not to do with noise pollution but...

my friend tells her kids that when the ice cream man plays the tune it means he's run out of ice cream. :lol:
I was round her house once when one came, and the kids faces were a picture, they all jumped up but then went "awwwwwwwwwwww noooooo :("

I would invest in a sawn-off shotgun...and next time he comes round and dongs his bells I would shoot him!... Yep.... Shoot him... right between the eyes!

Problem solved! :shakehead: :D

Anything else I can help with! :think: :)
Budge i can help you out on this problem as our ice cream man used to come round at about 8:10pm and ring his bells which were a pain in the arse for all the kids around here.
We had a word with him because he happens to live on the road near us and now instead of his bells ringing he blows a whistle 3 times, its alot better than having the bells ringing that loud when the kids are in bed.
OMG! I have EXACTLY the same problem.
We have 2 ice cream vans and they come past Tom's window between 7 and 7.30pm with their bells going.
It is driving me CRAZY because it always wakes him up.
I think there must be loads of parents like us who feel the same way. What parent wants their kids to have ice-cream so late and just before bed?
I imagine most people are getting their children to wind down at that time and the sound of the ice-cream vans must cause so many problems.
I would talk to the man but I'm always in Tom's room getting him off to sleep and so can't run down and catch him.
If anyone else has any bright ideas, I'd be interested too.
I thought of writing to the council but thought that might be a bit over the top?
ours comes round at around 8.15-8.30.. pisses me right off.. he doesnt park outside my house though.. but tis still loud,,.
gosh it seems like it s a common problem for a lot of us :shock:

thanks so much for the advice and replies :hug:

i have decided to have a kind word with him and see if that helps.

if it doesn't then a sawn off shotgun and brut force will have to follow :lol:
lmao- i'm surprised you haven't just gone for it with the shotgun already budge :)
fran_23 said:
lmao- i'm surprised you haven't just gone for it with the shotgun already budge :)

fran if he didn't do such good icecream i would have done im telling you LOL :lol:
budge said:
fran_23 said:
lmao- i'm surprised you haven't just gone for it with the shotgun already budge :)

fran if he didn't do such good icecream i would have done im telling you LOL :lol:

:rotfl: :rotfl: LOL best to be polite in that case- :angel: :angel:

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