
Oh dear dear dear! :cry: I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience. I think it's best to ask your GP to book you in for a couple of tests to check for any infection that might have occured during that terrible procedure. But because it happened 3 years ago and you've been fine ever since, I don't think you have any infections. And if your smear tests cam back ok, I'm sure you're fine (although I'm not sure they work for these types of infections :think: )

A D&C is not always necessary after a miscarriage, in fact about 50% of women don't need one. Did the doctor in Nigeria say you definately needed one? :think: Well what's done is done, all I can say is talk to your GP and if he feels you need further checks he'll refer you.

And as for the bleeding, I've heard of similar miscarriage stories so nothing sounds abnormal to me there, but again if you're worried you might have lost too much blood the best thing to do is to tell your GP. :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have no helpful advice to add to this thread except to say that as it was so long ago and you've not had problems since then it is probably all fine. It might be worth chatting to your doctor just in case but I wouldn't worry too much.

I'm so sorry you had such an awful experience. It must have taken a long time to recover from...

Congratulations on your new pregnancy :)
thanks both. to be honest back then, I should have been much more wise, so really it was my own fault in many ways. I also learnt a lot back then and despite this still love Nigeria! Although it can be tough we learn along the way I suppose and mature through it all. I hate to say this but at the time it was a blessing in disguise - thinking back. This time I feel much more like a woman and more ready to take on the challenges of motherhood. Thanks for your imput. Gosh laetitia how many have you got? They are gorgeous!

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