to PF and its members
I have had unprecedented support from this forum - questions answered, whinges supported, low days lifted and high days celebrated
I have seen pictures of beautiful babies and children, shared birth stories and experiences that I felt privledged to be a part of.
I've made friends that I know I can rely on, and I hope I've become one to others.
I never knew what it felt like to struggle TTC and I will never forget how it felt - or to find out there were others out there.
And I'm going nowhere.
Just a nice post - thought we might need it
I have had unprecedented support from this forum - questions answered, whinges supported, low days lifted and high days celebrated
I have seen pictures of beautiful babies and children, shared birth stories and experiences that I felt privledged to be a part of.
I've made friends that I know I can rely on, and I hope I've become one to others.
I never knew what it felt like to struggle TTC and I will never forget how it felt - or to find out there were others out there.
And I'm going nowhere.
Just a nice post - thought we might need it