temp rise 3dpo? please help me im stooooopid lol


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
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hmm well I looked for some confirmation on the web lastnight that I was doing my temps properly, and found this


well I was a little shocked as if you pull it back a day and up a couple of degrees, its almost EXACTLY the same as mine has been. Great stuff! Im doing it right AND I bd'd LOADS over the 3 fertile days woohooo!!

But then.............

This morning my temp has shot up again, above the OV spike, whats that all about? Does anyone know?
If I understand you correctly you have had confirmation of ovulation by at least 3 days of high temps but your temp has now shot up even higher?

To make good use of charting you have to step back from daily temps and look at trends as one days temp doesn't hold much alone where as lumped within a fluctuation pattern it reads a story.

I don't want to get your hopes up but some women experience a Triphasic temp trend when they are pregnant. This is when after ovulating you experience a few days at a higher temp range, then your temps move into an even higher temp range. This is triphasic and can be an early indication of pregnancy. However one temp alone will not tell you that this is what is happening you need 3 or 4 days to start forming a trend.

Either way 18 high temps above your coverline definitely mean you are pregnant. It would help if we could see your chart. How may days past 'o' are you hon?
Thanks for your help :hug:

Well my chart is on a paper graph so I could take a pic and post it when I get home later, but for now - if you look at the link I posted, that example chart is almost exactly the same as mine except day 19 on that chart is today for me at day 18 of my cycle. If that makes sense. Anyway, whereas on that example the temp at day 19 (day 18 for me) is still steady, mine has jumped up to what would be 98.3 on that example, on my chart it is 98.08 but in comaparison, if you know what I mean.

Hope I havnt over complicated my explanation and confused things further lol :think:
Okay hon I get you. It looks normal to me. Most peoples temps rise after 'o' rather than just jump straight up to a plato that they remain on. This doesn't look triphasic to me as it's too early. You won't have had implantation yet if you are preggers and it's after this that the triphasic temps can be seen - although rare.

Have you considered getting a free trial on fertility friend. It's really useful because you can look at their chart galleries and compare you chart to others. You'll learn loads this way. The other thing I have found really useful is Toni Weschlers book - Taking Charge of You Fertility.

You can always PM me if you like, but I'm still learning myself.

Anyway, you seem to have cracked the charting thing. You'll be amazed how much you learn about yourself.

Enjoy :hug:
Thanks both thats all really helpful, its good to know im doing it right :D

Whats a cover line though?

Oh and whyis, you like your mornings dont you hun :lol:
it says morning but it's the other side of am I am afraid... I take the term night owl to extremes and always do my hunting in the wee hours then settle down for a good sleep :rotfl:
The coverline (the line drawn horizontally across your chart once ovulation is detected) is a visual tool to help you easily see your pre- and post-ovulation temperatures. It has no physiological significance whatsoever so where it is placed does not have much importance as long as it helps you to see your ovulation pattern.
Ah right that makes sense

and so does the coverline bit hehe :rotfl:

Thanks for your help xx
I copied the coverline bit :lol:
Oh man the hormones are making me loose the plot. :rotfl:
Hey its looks like you could well of done it this month GGG.... wishing you all the luck.....

When will you be testing???

Any symptoms??

:pray: x
I dont know what symptoms are anymore lol

Ive got sore boobs (always get them around day 15 to end of cycle anyway)

Major mood swings, same as above.

Slight cramps, same as above :rotfl:

Fingers crossed though!

I put in this mornings temp and it moved my ov day to 17 from 13, well im pretty sure I ov'd on day 15 :think:
it was out by a day or two on my chart too chick, I wouldn't worry too much as long as your temps stay high your are on a winner :D

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