I feel the same! Glad to have someone else, I'm only a few days behind you, I haven't really has ms, a couple of waves last week but nothing worth shouting about.
I am paranoid about mc, and like you worry every time i go to the loo, especially in weather like this when it is humid and you feel hotter in that region (sorry tmi
) i constantly fear i will find a bleed! Any twinge or pain in my stomach, i put down to mc, when its probably my body making room for the baby/ wind/ sitting awkwardly.
Also very emotional, not crying yet, but constantly needing a cuddle and feel on the verge of a little sob.......its normal though, i've been stalking the posts on this forum for the past 10 days since my BFP and there are many women with the same symptoms and fears.... doesn't make it any easier, but its good to know there is someone who can clarify that you're not going mad!
Also, I'm the same with the sore bb's - 10 days worth - gonna worry when/ if they go! (the pains not the bbs - lol)