Symptoms, but 2 early 2 test?? Help please!


New Member
Nov 13, 2008
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heey all i'm a first-timer here, i'm all new to this and veeery confused. so me and jacob been tryin for baby for 3 months now, not trying/not preventing for 6 mths. had the odd "oooh i might be pregnant!!" before but obviously has come to nothin!
anyways. so my cycle is usually 30-31 days, had my period on 24th october n finished 30th october. had sex on 1st november, know i wasnt ovulating but hey theres always a chance. didnt think much of it cause wasnt around my fertile time, but recently been gettin proper nauseous durin the day, thought i was gunna be sick in the shower yesterday morning. :( i wasnt tho. been losin my appetite n changin food habits, which is weird for me. had headaches, n i hardly ever get them unless i got a hangover or sumthin :p but obviously not had a hangover!! then the past 2 nights i been getting af-like cramping, but i never get it at this time! (APOLOGIZE IN ADVANCE FOR TMI HERE... i been getting gushes of cm for the past 2-3 days, like rly abnormal gushes! i never get this. had to wear pantyliners cuz been so bad! its like rly watery cm, not sticky or egg-white like. esp when i cough or somethin sudden like that, a huge gush comes and i run to toilet thinking that af is here!!
been told to test now, but its too early since af aint due for 2 wks?? help please ladies!
morgan xx
:wave: Welcome to the forum :hug: :hug:

It could be that you are ovulating as watery cm is fertile cm as well as egg white and with AF due in 2 weeks then it will be about right as you will be in 2 week wait so I would get bding just incase :wink:

I have been having a lot of symptoms like you are and I 'think' I am due to ov soon as my fertility monitor is on high so i am bding every other day to hopefully catch the egg :pray:

Good Luck with TTC :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks a&j, its just weird cuz ive never had that before! im confused haha. ive had 2 people tell me the same as you, that im probably just O'ing, but then i saw another board on a dif site with someone describin same as me and she had about 30 replies all tellin her that thats what happened to them before they got their bfp! argggh. x
If I was you I would get bding just incase it is ov :wink: I have read before people getting lots of watery cm before they got their BFPs (I did when I got mine last year) but I am thinking more to the way of ovulating with your period being 2 weeks away as that would be the 2 week wait. Do you know if you have ovulated yet?

Before I joined here I knew nothing about cm and did not seem to notice it but now I am noticing it more so maybe that is why you are noticing cm :think:

:hug: :hug: :hug:

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