stressed and tired


Jan 9, 2011
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I am sorry to whinge and moan but today I feel terrible, I had the worst night's sleep ever ended up on the sofa!! Just could not settle or drift off its like my brain won't switch off!!

My son whom is 21 months has had a bad cold and was crying and wakeful in the night which made me even more tired....

I just feel sooooooooo stressed i haved hardly any symptoms, i am knackered all the time, we are struggling as it is for money, ideally need to move house and get a bigger car.

I already have two children and baby was not planned i just am in turmoil don't know whats for the best, i can't think about the alternative.....

maybe when i have my scan a week on tuesday i'll feel calmer and better?

rant over!!!!!!!:mad:

Aaawww honey, its hard but its just one day, you'll feel better tomorrow... Its not easy, hormones everywhere, Soooo tired but Cant sleep, feel hungry but feel sick. All that and having to deal with kids, sick kids and OH its a nightmare. Ive got money worries too, car too small, no space but ill find a way and you will too. Can you get someone to take kids for a few hours to give you a break? Go window shopping or a swim or cinema! How indulgent would that be? Im having a bath now, just to chill, yes at this time of day! If you can grab a nap go for it! I Cant nap now but in tri3 that will all change. Use your family and friends when you can hun.... Tomorrow is another day, feel free to rant on, thats what we're here for. Take care xx
thanks hunni :) by the way how did you get the pregnancy progress pictures on your email?
I feel exactly the same always tired and cant sleep on the night. I also have to kids 5 yr old and nearly 2 year old. Its really hard i feel like am not my own with no help but even when i have help i start stressing dont no why. I just feel un comfortable all the time. xxx

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