Strange lump bottom of ribcage


New Member
Mar 28, 2011
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This is my first time on this website so hi everyone! Just wondered if anyone has any advice; I'm 18 weeks and 2 days gone now, and I have noticed a soft sausage shaped lump on my bottom left rib, around 3cm long. It doesn't hurt or anything but when I touch it I have a strange sensation in my left breast area for a while afterwards. It's also quite visible if I arch my back. Not sure if this is pregnancy related or not. My midwife told me to get an appt with my gp asap so I have one tomorrow. Has anyone else experienced anything like this, or have any ideas about it?

Other symptoms i've had (which may or may not be related) include a cyst on my right ovary which gives me pain and severe lower back pain too which sometimes makes my legs numb. My gp is pretty useless; she always sends me home and tells me to take paracetamol! Would be great to hear some reassuring words! :) thanks.
Sorry honey, I've never heard of this! I hope your doctor is better this time. Definitely sounds like something you should get checked out.

sorry cant offer any help on this one really, but what i would say is that if your gp is useless again, make another appointment with a different doctor, you dont have to accept what one doctor says if your not happy with it
Thanks anyway ladies. She had a bit of a prod around and decided it's just inflammation from where i am getting bigger and my muscles have sort of come out a bit on one side. She said it's nothing to worry about and even went as far as to call me a hypochondriac!! She really is awful. I told her i spoke to the midwife and that she was concerned. She didn't seem to care. I can't wait to change.

She also refused to give me a MATB1 form saying that I need to be 28 weeks and even then, the ones she has are outdated and she doesn't know where I should get the form from. She suggested I ask my workplace for it! :wall2: Absolutely useless. I've left there in tears before, but yesterday I just had to laugh. She is ridiculous! i feel a little relieved about it just being inflammation, but i will still get another opinion when I change doctors.
i thought you got your matb1 at 20 weeks. you can go on maternity leave at 29 weeks so 28 weeks is definatly too late i would have thought. sounds awful.
Well she did say it was a new regulation, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if she was just talking complete crap. It's not even like she's new to the profession; she's been a doctor for many years and has progressively got worse. She needs to retire. She is is bitter. She straight up refused my mum HRT a few years back even though she started going through the menopause at 42 and suffered terribly with it, saying that they don't give it anymore and that people in China and India just deal with it, and so should she. I'm surprised nobody complains about her- she is ALWAYS at least 30 minutes late too.

Anyway enough moaning! Changing soon, so wont have to deal with her nonsense! :)
glad to here its probably nothing, but blimey your doc sounds awful

Id refuse to see her if I was you, and always ask for someone different, Id also complain about her as it will never get better if people dont say something.

I got my mat b1 at my 24 week midwife appointment, so maybe you should ask your midwife for it?

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