Stop the world! I got some sleep!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2007
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Finally :cheer:

So it took my HV laying down the law a bit and my OH to work his magic but we got there.

For the first time last night, Galen went down at 9pm and slept 6 and a half hours before needing a change and a feed! 6 and a half hours :shock: It was 3.30am before he stirred :shock: :shock:

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Normally he'll wake around midnight if he goes down at 9ish. Then again around 3am and again around 6am.

Last night was 3.30 and then 6.30 and then he went back down and slept till 8.40am

So this may be a one off and he is just tired and saving his energy for a huge growth spurt that will see him wanting to be on my boob 24/7 for a couple of days but I can handle that. I got to sleep for 5 hours in one go :cheer: Maybe its he is now in a cot and has a comfy mattress and more room (3 nights now), maybe he is finally settling down... maybe.

And blimey, he's been asleep for the last hour and a bit solid. Unheard of during the day for him. Mind you he was awake all morning and full of it so he is power napping and stocking up for later.

I feel like a new woman :lol:
glad you got some decent sleep, hopefully he'll make a habit of sleeping in bigger chunks :D
Fingers crossed it continues. x

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