still here


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2006
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hi everyone! bet you've all forgotten me by now! well im nine days overdue, (10 in an hr and a half) and still Alfie has not arrived! This little one is holding on with both hands! Its been a bit hectic last couple of weeks what with hospital appointments here and there and staying with relatives i have been a bit tired. had a sweep yesterday and nothing! so im booked into hospital on friday at 6pm for induction! had a scan last week and the little chubster was nearly eight pounds ... that was over a week ago so he must be huge by now! i think an epidural is certainly becoming very appealing! so im going to have a look at some posts now see whats been happening and cant wait to see what budge has been up to! :rotfl: did daggers and izzy have their LO's yet? hope evryone is ok, have realy missed talking to everyone
hehe! i was 11 days overdue with my first fingerscrossed. But i sat tight and waitedand had a lovely labour and birth :hug: :hug: won't be long now.
my fingers r crossed 4 u fingerscrossed... :think: lol
hey stef hunny!
i cant wait till tis baby comes along my pregnancy will go so fast when ill be sat round at your house holding little alfie!!! :D
miss ya loadz hun bun!!!
shell n bump! x :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww at least you know by the end of the week you'll have alfie at last! tomorrows not long!

izzyx (still waiting!)
Thought I'd do you a lil' check list... Have you...
:pray: Drink raspberry leaf tea?
:pray: Have a really strong curry?
:pray: Have sex? ...including start contractions!
:pray: Get yr other half to do a diy sweep?
:pray: Go for a long walk?
:pray: Stimulate your nipples? (don't ask just read about it)
:pray: Bounce on a fit ball (or birthing ball)
:pray: Have Castor Oil
also check out,1510,5329,00.html

???? :hug: you'll be fine it will come soon! Lots of hugs xox
Thanx everyone! im so excited i dont think i'll sleep tonight ... im so nervous ... oooooooooooooo isnt it excting! well tomorrow is the big day and i cant believe it has all gone so quickly! thankyou so much 2 everyone for all your support i will miss u all very much as i wont be able to get online as much! good luck ladies! i will let you know about alfie when i get a chance! take care evryone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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