stiff neck ??? dont laugh i really need help lol

Gem & Leland

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
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ok im in agony ! my neck did hurt last night but went to bed only to wake few hours later in agony havent sleep proper since everytime i try to move i get awfull shooting pains / cramps / tightenings in my left side !

someone must know somethign that relieves it ? helps ? anything ???? i really am in crying pain its pathetic it hurts so much lol

any ideas? how long does it usually last ?

please , i wanna enjoy my weekend never mind that i HAVE to be ok for work monday ! i do a manual job and lifting , couldnt even bend down right now :rotfl:
sorry babe all i can suggest is ibuprofen (but not if you're pregnant) and a good soak in the bath

hope its better soon :cry:
Sounds like you may have a trapped nerve, but im no doctor hun, if its not better my tomorrow you should probably get it checked out but in the meantime try and rest and take some ibuprofen if you can. Hope it gets better soon xx
Paracetamol is ok if preggers so take some of that and sit with a hotwater bottle round it if you can.

You could also send OH out to get some deep heat cream from the chemist or supermarket and rub that into it

hope you feel better soon :hug:
thanks girl , gots some deep heat , just cant believe how much it hurts u feel stupid :cry: might go fill me water bottle !
Im always pulling mucsles in my neck just try n take it easy hun with a paracetamol
Awww, poor you!!! Neck pain really sucks!! The magic pill concoction for any excruciating pain is 2 paracetamols with codeine and 2 recommended it to me when I was ill with gall bladder pain and to hubby when he had pleurisy (sp?) (Apparently fine to take all together becuase of different ingredients)

Obviously not a long term recommendation...might be tricky too if you want to keep pills to minumum with test date nearly due.

try and relax with heat pad/water bottle and take it easy...DON'T go back to work on Monday if it is still bad!!! that is an order!!!! :D

Hope you feel better soon :hug:
Happybunny said:
The magic pill concoction for any excruciating pain is 2 paracetamols with codeine and 2 recommended it to me when I was ill with gall bladder pain and to hubby when he had pleurisy (sp?) (Apparently fine to take all together becuase of different ingredients)

Hell yeah! Can leave you feeling slightly spaced out though so dont take this concoction if you need to drive anywhere etc, I usually do this for period cramps and it knocks me out lol
Those wheat bags you put in the microwave work really well. I used one when i had whiplash after a car crash a couple of years ago

Hope it eases soon :hug:
It could be Torticollis I suffer from it now and again.

Hopefully you should be feeling a lot better but if it happens again you should go the doctors because they can give you stronger anti-inflamatries and painkillers if you need them. I've been to A&E because the pain was so bad. If its bearable get some heat rub and get someone to massage your neck, it loosens up the mussles and helps stop the spasams.

Hope your feeling better, :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Meant to say the worse bit only lasts a few days and you should be back to normal between 7-10 days.


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