
Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2005
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Does anyone know how it works? OH just found out he has to have an operation next month and take 6 weeks off work but he has only been in the job 4 weeks. Alls i can find is that he will get about £70 SSP of goverment but what happens about the rest? He isn't earning a lot of money anyway and with 2 small kids and me unable to get a job now we really can't afford any drop in income. Will our money be made up from somewhere else or is that all we will get?
pop into ya local dss office, they'll talk ya through the options, ya might be able to make the rest up with income support or something and if ya can get that they will help with ya rent :wink:
Hi Kellie

Is he sure work won't top up SSP in any way? To be fair, it's probably unlikely with only being in the job such a short time.

You're right SSP is roughly £70 per week. The first 3 days of absence are called "waiting days" and you don't get anything for those.

It's worth going in to find out whether you can get other benefits like family tax credit to help you out.

Hope he makes a speedy recovery. :hug:


My DH has been really poorly this past month with cellulitis - he had to take 2 and a half weeks off work.
For the first week he had to go to his local DSS office and pick up a Celf Certificate, because you can't get a doctor's note for the first week.
For the rest of the time he did have a doctor's certificate.

Anyway he received a letter from his work saying that they would not be paying him for his first 3 days off, and for the rest of the time off he will receive £14.01 a day for SSP.

I'm not looking forward to his paycheque on Friday - it's going to be pathetically small! :(
He told his boss today that he was going to be off. OH was more concerned at if he was going to be taken on as he on the 13 weeks trail period. It doesn't look good! His boss said 'well i don't have a crystal ball, i'll have to see who i want to take with me after christmas'! We, and all the other staff were unde the impression most of them would be taken on permantly but it looks like they have been miss lead and they are only going to take a few staff on. Its not like he works for a small company either it's 'Debenhams'. Didn't expect them to treat there staff like that. Hes going to go off sick earlier than planned now as he shouldn't really be doing that job with a hernia. Don't see the point in making himself ill doing the job for them if they are going to treat him like that. So we will find out soon what sick pay he will get. Thanks guys!

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