someone scared me senseless today!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2011
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Hi ladies,
Bit of a rant coming up - first day back at work and a collegue decides to tell me all about her friend's stillborn baby 15 years ago. WHAT!!! Why do I need to hear this???? I'm well aware it happens in the world but crikey, I'm so scared now! I'm meant to be building the cot tonight but I actually feel like I shouldn't now!

Also - complete subject change but can somebody tell me how I get a ticker on my profile pls? Thanks x
Oh how ridiculous! Some people have no common sense whatsoever!
Same thing happened to me a while back. I was about 24 weeks, and OH's sister decided to make a big drama about needing to speak to him, so he rang her and she then proceeded to tell him about someone she knew who'd just been days away from their due date, but had complications and at a MW appointment was told her baby had died. I won't explain fully on here as I don't want to give anyone else the same effect it had on me, but it scared the crap out of me. I was absolutely fuming!!!
Some people just feel the need to scare you hun!! you building the cot will not change what happens to your baby xx
Everyone has a horror story and seemingly can't wait to tell us huh. Morons! Take no notice, carry on as you planned and let them dwell on the negative on their own :hug: xxxxxxxx
Oh and about the tickers, you need to make one off a website. If you click on someone else's ticker it should take you to the website it was made on. Make your own then once it's done you need to copy the BBCode for it. Once you've done that, you go into your User CP on this website and paste it into your 'Add Signature' option :)

Don't listen to that person at your work. Yes unfortunately bad things can happen in pregnancy. It happened to that person, but won't to us, so forget about it :)
Get your cot up! :D
People dont think! I've had 4 friends who has stilborns in past 4yrs so I worry more but people dont think it's hurtful telling you stories when you are expecting.
i personally know a girl (one of the old foster kids) shes a few yrs older than me and had that happen to her at 35 weeks when i was 20 weeks preg. i mean its bad enough ppl telling ya that happens but ive since had to talk to her and stuff and i feel so bad for her that i dont know what to say, i dont wanna talk about mine too much but at the same time i want her to feel free to tell me whatever she needs to and to help her so i let her lead the convo. that ensued me being told all about it in detail. needless to say when i had a bleed and baby had a quiet period a couple of weeks later i was totally crapping myself.

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