Some ones Missing.....


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2005
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Dionne. I have not seen her for a few days. Is she Ok?
I thought that too but thought maybe i'd missed something?

Dionne where are you?????

Tan x
I've seen her online today, sure she's fine :)
Hi hun :D

im ok thanks i have posted :) i posted this morning and yesterday and the day beofre and the day before lol. i never really go a day with out posting

i come one every day to check up on you all lol. i always make sure i make 1 post a day :lol:

we must be coming on different times and missing one and other.

awwwww i feel all loved now :) cheers Jadie and Tan :hug:
Becks_again said:
dunno really i dont keep tabs on her tbh

good! ild be worried if you did keep tabs on me, seems i have no idea who you are, i have never noticed you ever even spoken to you
Becks_again said:
Well there you go then, i'm just a nobody.

Well i noticed you both and therefore becks you are not a nobody, though niether of you probably have a clue who I am lol

Funny world forums.....
glitzyglamgirl said:
Becks_again said:
Well there you go then, i'm just a nobody.

Well i noticed you both and therefore becks you are not a nobody, though niether of you probably have a clue who I am lol

Funny world forums.....
I know whow who you are Jacqui, I posted that bulletin you did last night just to show I care :)
Becks_again said:
glitzyglamgirl said:
[quote="Becks_again":2okoi8l0]Well there you go then, i'm just a nobody.

Well i noticed you both and therefore becks you are not a nobody, though niether of you probably have a clue who I am lol

Funny world forums.....
I know whow who you are Jacqui, I posted that bulletin you did last night just to show I care :)[/quote:2okoi8l0]

:oops: , yes know who you are now hun, theres so many people on here it gets confusing remembering everyones usernames, and im not the best when it comes to names in real life! :roll: :rotfl:

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