Some Advice Needed Please


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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I am planning on telling my close friends in a couple of weeks, I know it is still early but not too sure when I will be seeing them next. I know they will all be happy fo me, but I have one friend who I am going to find it hard to tell. she has been trying for a long time with no luck. I just think when I tell her that I hadn't even been trying she is going to be soo upset that it is not her. I was thinking about trying to meet up with her beforehand so she has some time to adjust to the news. What would you guys do??
Awww I would see her first by herself so that it has time to sink in for her - then you have done all you can, its a difficult position I know.
Im trying to work out how to tell my friend when I eventually break the news to everyone, she has been told she shouldnt have any more babies as she had pre eclampsia and lost an awful lot of bood post birth last time - it will be difficult for her aswell as her husband has just gone to Afghanistan for 7 months :gun: - I know she would have more babies if she could.
you are obviously a very considerate person and she os lucky to count you as a friend :hug:
I agree with Rosie's Mummy that I'd try and see her by yourself first - I'm sure she'll really appreciate the fact that you understand that it might be hard for her and are considering her feelings when you tell people - you're a good friend :hug:
Thanks for your advice, I will try to meet up before I see my friend altogether, the last thing I want is to tell my her my good news knowing that she will be saying all the right things etc but to be really upset on the inside. She is the one that I am dreading telling the most, telling Mum & Dad were easy in comparison to this.
You're a great friend for caring so much :) xx
It's quite often other people's insensitivity that upsets people who have been trying for a long time - yes it's hard knowing that others can get pregnant so easily, but everyone knows that it happens and can't blame them for it - but having it rubbed in your face by someone who doesn't take your feelings into consideration at all is far worse. Of course she'd be happy for you anyway, but just the fact that you clearly want to avoid doing that will make it so much easier for her :hug:

My sister was in the same position, she has PCO and had most of her cervix removed six years ago after cancer she was only 21. She was given a million and one chance of getting pregnant naturally. However recently she fell pregnant, she did have a MC and I was so worried that my timing was rubbish! Told her first as thought i twas best and she has been the best support ever, texting and ringing everyday to check i'm okay. If they are good friends they will be overjoyed for you despite their circumstances, and don't think you can't involve them because it makes them feel worse.
Hope this helps and good luck.


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