Sleepy Baby 4d Scan Pics!


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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At the last minute, we decided to book a 4d scan this morning for today!!

Only to find that baby was sleeping, facing my spine and no amount of sweets, jumping up and down or poking was oging to move him!!

We've re-booked for 12th June as after 40 minutes we didn't have much luck. The lovely centre don't charge anymore, so at least we'll have 2 DVDs!! :)

Here's what we did manage...

Sleepy boy with his HUGE podgy apple cheeks!

Big foot

L-R Feet, legs, arm and face profile
Aww his little feet!! :cheer:

He's a toerag bless him! At least you don't have to wait long, and he'll be in a better position bless him :D

You get to see him twice you lucky mare!! x
awww thats so sweet! i love the way you can see him all sweepy and curled up! and as dannii said least you get to see him again! :cheer:
Yeah, and we have DVD of the whole thing anyway which is about 25mins long. And we did see he had HUGE chubby cheeks!!

He was all cuddled up next to the placenta...found himself a nice squidgy pillow there so don't blame him for snoozing!!

He always sleeps in the day, and gets up about 7.30 for 30 mins or so, then a brief few goodnight kicks and that's it!

So we booked the next appointment for 7.30pm!! :D
awwww that picture of his legs is SOOOO cute, how amazing! :D

i would frame a picture like that, it's amazing :)

great that you get to go back hun, fab thing is, he'll be a bit chubbier in a few weeks, so your pics will be fantastic :D :hug:

cute feet 8)
glad you get to see your baby a second time it must be so exciting seeing your little one in 4d im sure in a few weeks the pics will be fantastic :D

sarah :hug: :wave:
Wow that picture of his legs and feet is sooooo clear, lucky you gettig to see him twice.

Hope he is more awake next time.

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