sleeping thro


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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hey ladies
Brayds still does not sleep thro and its only 4 weeks til his 2nd birthday, he can do it as he does it on average every 4th nite but he can still wake two three time a nite.
he only has water now wen he wakes, but i cant leave him to cry as that makes his asthma play up and he ends up being sick - i dont mean a lil i mean projectile,
it is really starting to effect me emotionally i kept telling myself he will do it soon etc but now i am starting to think he will never do it and its really upsetting me
i really need some ideas please
Do you think he's waking up cos he's thirsty? You could try leaving his cup where he can reach it?

I don't really know what to say to help, Jonah has slept through since we got home from hospital, we had to wake him for feeds when he was tiny.
Tia didn't sleep through the night until she was 5 years old... so it can happen where they just don't sleep... If your LO has asthma, he might be waking up because he has trouble breathing... In which case he might need a review of his night time meds...alternatively you could try bathing him every night with lavender and Eucalyptus oil (a few drops of each) to help soothe his breathing. Also you could try using the anyway up cups for his water so it can be in the bed or right next door if he's thirsty.

Also Tia was a really REALLY hungry child... So would often wake because she was hungry... I made sure that she had a big cup of full fat milk before bed, and even today she still does.

We also found that she was afraid of the dark and up until just recently, she had a small light in her room. That used to help her sleep through the night. If we turned it off in the night once she was asleep, she would wake up crying, everytime and we would have to turn it back on. Sounds strange, but two year olds really can't vocalise their fear of something intangible such as the dark. For them, they just wake up scared and start crying.

The only alternative is to put up with it. Tia still wakes occasionally, usually after a nightmare, but it's rare... Don't worry... I promise it won't last forever... besides once a teenager is many times do you see them get up :rotfl: :rotfl:
aw sarah hang in there he will do it and just think it will be no time before your shouting for him to get out of bed and get to school !!! Then you can take great pleasure of waking him up, whilst reminding him he did it to you once. All kids are different have you spoke to the docs do they have any ideas. I would try a night light

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