Sleeping like a baby...


Active Member
Oct 14, 2006
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Hello there I'm after a little bit of advice.

My daughter Caitlin is now 4 days old & when I've been putting her down to sleep I've been wrapping her up to keep her warm.

Do you think I'm doing the right thing by wrapping her all the time or should she be left to lay stretched out & just covered with a blanket??

Thanks in advance. :)
when she is that young she will love being wrapped up like that as it reminds her of being the womb, when she gets abit older she will like to strech etc :D
Ecellnt thank you. I just needed a little reassurance.

Thank you ladies lol xx
She will let you know if she doesn't like it. Ellie hated being swaddled right from day one and loved to able to stretch out. She fought and fought until she got her arms out.
Arianna was the same Nicky!! Always wanted to have her hands free.

Even now when she sleeps her little fingers tap on her hand like she is plotting something!!

S. x
Nicky_Jones said:
She will let you know if she doesn't like it. Ellie hated being swaddled right from day one and loved to able to stretch out. She fought and fought until she got her arms out.

Alfie has ever since he was born, slept with his arms out and up next to his head.

Choco if your LO didnt like it she would let you know if shes sleeping shes obviously snug as a bug and sleeping soundly, dont worry darlin she will let you know what it is she likes and doesnt like, they are right little characters from the beginning and dont half tell you off if you do something they dont like.
I think she's starting to like stretching out. I see what you mean about letting you know what they like & don't like. Today I think she doesn;t like me & only wants her dad. Looks like I may have a daddy's girl on my hands. Or maybe its more like me just being tired & worn out :sleep: & she can probably tell. *sighs*

Nevermind it can only get better & by it I mean me! lol
Jakob hates been wrapped up too, he likes having his hands and legs free to move about :)

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