Should I dye my hair magenta?


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2007
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Ok, my hair is really annoying me atm. It is so boring and flat,dead and generally, lifeless. I want to jazz it up a little. I have lovely magenta hair dye. Thing is, if I dye it all over it may be a bit much also I just spent the last 3 years growing out my blue hairdye. (I have been many, many colours) and the toppish bits of my hair is really ok, it's mainly the bottom, so maybe just dip it with a few streaks? I don't know. I'll find a hair pic somewhere in a minute....

edit:eek:k that's basically my hair,excuse the gay photo,nobody about atm to take a pic of the back of my head so...oh and that's my baby, she has no hair :lol: :lol:

Show us a pic of what ya mean cus magenta can be like purple orr reddish orrr ?!?!? after seeing this pic today im dying to do my hair red red red !!!

i really like dark hair with the edges dyed, i think it looks really good!
Yes, yes, yes!!! :D

I wish I'd have spent more time dying my hair crazy colours as a teen.

Before you know it you have to get a proper job and stuff and these things usually matter more :(
i think yes..i used to dye my hair magenta when i was a teen..loved doing directions and crazy colour on my hair all the time, my mum was
sick of me ruining her towels and bathroom!
just remember its lots of starts going orange quite quick and
you have to bleach your roots aswell as dyeing which a bit more tricky!
plus if you want rid you'll either have to go through the orange stage for a bit or do a really dark colour over the top which will turn lighter much more quickly than usual!! apart from that go for it! :)
I have naturally blonde hair...but I used to dye my hair all sorts of colours...and still do (recently with red streaks but it washed out real quick :( )

The main thing with bright colours is to bleach the underlying hair first if you don't have blonde hair already...this way the colour stays for longer... well should :roll:

Then you pick a colour and be prepared.... blue always went green on me but when I was pregnant with Tia and just before I had magenta streaks and loved it always... :) I think the whole head might be overdoing it...magenta is very striking but a few streaks would look fab... :)
Yay do it would look funky!

I want pinky streaks once I have had Pip. I would have lots of streaks done defo bleach first though or you get a odd kind of shade and then and then plait it through randomly!

The only thing that has made me stop in the past is things like would my clothes and stuff go with it, colour clashing is good but the style would be a bit different like you couldn't wear a really pretty girly light blue dress with pink streaky hair?! Or you could but you would need some serious style to get away with it. Mind you I have had red, blue and orange before and coped!
oh yes i do think u should! i think that colour would really suit u. and if u get tired of it u can always dye over it dark brown or black. i used to have all kinds of coloured hair- pink and purple were my faves- but i went over them in black when i was 18, and i LOVED black hair. but when i was 25 i decided i needed a softer look thats when i got my highlights- i was gonna go full platinum blonde gradually but after the first highlights a little matter of a BFP put a stop to that plan! :lol:
i'd like black again but im too old now, people kept calling me a goth and mistook me for a teenager (no offence to goths OR teens! but i am neither i wanna look my own age and my own style thats all!) so ill never go back to it but youre young enough to.
i think magenta will suit u loads more tho (than black) do it, do it, do it!!! :D :cheer:
do it :)

I had dreads and I dyed the BRIGHT orange like the bird in the 5th element
Urchin said:
do it :)

I had dreads and I dyed the BRIGHT orange like the bird in the 5th element

You now have got to put some pictures up Urchin!

I think you should do it Rebekah, your only young once and omg i loved my hair when it was magenta! go for it!
mrs_tommo22 said:
Urchin said:
do it :)

I had dreads and I dyed the BRIGHT orange like the bird in the 5th element

You now have got to put some pictures up Urchin!

I think you should do it Rebekah, your only young once and omg i loved my hair when it was magenta! go for it!

I haven't got any pics of when they were orange, I have peroxide blonde ones though LOL
Damnit I think I will.
School hate my hair so much, I haven't dyed it properly in around 2 years but it has been pink, blue, green, orange, and purple. They kept telling me to take it out and i told them that i would if they paid for it.

It was a beautiful relationship.

Urchin- i LOVE dreads, I was going to get them done before I got pregnant and dye them red and green (school colours- salt in the wound) but then I didn't...

Magenta it is! ... dZViewItem

I use these (not this actual make) when I'm in the mood for a change. Last time I had them in a little boy in Tesco went up to his mum and said "mummy, that lady has got BLUE hair" :lol: .

I used to do the bleaching then dying it blue streaks but it was such high maintence that I got fed up with it as it was only a good colour for a week then faded.
Urchin said:
mrs_tommo22 said:
Urchin said:
do it :)

I had dreads and I dyed the BRIGHT orange like the bird in the 5th element

You now have got to put some pictures up Urchin!

I think you should do it Rebekah, your only young once and omg i loved my hair when it was magenta! go for it!

I haven't got any pics of when they were orange, I have peroxide blonde ones though LOL

That is just as good :D
magenta sounds really nice, the tips would be very nice!

I also love dreads though you have to be prepared to lose most of your hair when you've had enough. I had to get my head shaved when I got rid of mine! I'm still growing my hair back :rotfl:

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