Short BFs better for baby..News report

I am doing the baby led feeding. Calleigh is putting on weight quite nicely, plus if i tried to restrict her feeds from when she wants it i am sure she would kick up one hell of a fuss :)

And she feeds for as long as she wants then i will offer her the second boob if she is still hungry, but currently one boob at a feed is enough the majority of the time.
I personally belive that no matter how LO is fed, breast, bottle, both, it should be on demand. All babies gain weight in their own time, and a study of just 63 women is negligible in research terms anyway :roll: They can't even leave the very basic, natural breastfeeding issue alone now :lol:
"The researchers say baby-led feeding disrupts the body's system for producing breast-milk."

Whaaattt!!!! Hmmmm what a dubious study....! Think I will carry on letting Eva be the boss!! :lol:
A few months ago I would have agreed with you that this sounds rubbish, but my recent experience fits in with what they are suggesting in the report.

I didn't manage to bf DD so took in as much advice as possible with DS. He was huge when born (11,2.5!) so took a lot of feeding which was hampered by a dfficult labour/c-section/blood loss/transfusion/jaundice. I fed on demand which was constantly for the first 8 weeks then 2 hourly or so until 3 months. A feed never took less than an hour both sides. By 3 months he'd only gained 2lbs. Some weeks he didn't gain weight at all.

By the time he was 4 months my milk was deminishing depite this frequent feeding and he started to get cross and refuse the breast. Within a few days I'd switched to formula. (He still has a little suck prob once a day.)

In light of this (small sample) study, we may have done better just 10mins both my mother kept informing me is what they did in her day! Every mw/hv I saw said the first 10mins is just foremilk, which is why I kept him on for so long.

Do you think it's too late for me to get him back on the boob? I still have some milk there. It's been about 2 weeks since I switched.

Sorry to ramble, but I thought I'd made my peace with giving up as it wasn't working. If we have a chance of making it work this other way maybe I should give it another try...if it's not too late.

Thanks for listening!!

Ladybird xx

P.S. Since having formula he's put on 3lbs!
lol.. if i only let eddie nurse for 20 mins id have a very underweight baby..u gotta do what u thinks best..
I fed on demand and was lucky if Austin fed for as long as 10 minutes at a time! He was really fussy & really hard work to feed but I'm glad I did it on demand as he knew what he needed & it felt right.

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