Shhhh dont tell OH


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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but awwww :sleep: :sleep: .... all this waiting around for our little lady to get here is taking its toll on him i think, every time i get up for a wee in the night he wakes up all panicked asking where im going do i feel alright, so hes ended up falling asleep on the sofa after work quite a bit bless him......... and her she follows me to the loo every single time and waits outside the door so shes more than happy to nap when he does !!!

On another note you know some people say dogs look like their owners, if OH ever ends up with a black eye i reckon we'll have serious trouble telling them apart lol does anyone elses pets look like them or OH ?

I dno how she ends up sleepin like this, doesnt look very comfy to me........ just wanted to share cus i think they look soooo cute, soon be a baby where the dog is, cant wait for that pic ! :pray:


Awwww! I think my DH checks Im ok everytime i go to the Loo without actually waking up!
aw what a great pic!!!

i so can't wait to see that pic with the baby there!!!
Awww so cute!! I cant wait for the pics when baby is there either!! :hug:
Awww love your OH's hair, it reminds me of how Vernon Kay used to have his 8)
glad its not just me who thinks its cute... even if i do think its an unnnatural way for a dog to fall asleep lol

And as for ohs hair me too, he uses the hairdryer more than i do cus he doesnt like the curly bits at the bottom but i think theyre well cute, he had his curly bits chopped off the other day though :( Hoping LO gets dads ridiculously thick hair rather than my thin barnet, then again amount of heartburn im getting .... :cheer:

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