scaredy cat


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2008
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just lately, i've been a bit of a scaredy cat about everything! I now hate being driven in the car, not keen on driving myself either - never been a prob before!! scared at every little bump and movement of car, stuipid other drivers and get all these horrid scenarios come popping into my head like imagining me falling over or hurting bump in some way, i am turning into a freak. i have also gone off horror/violent type films and will only watch slushy/safe things. feel happiest when at home and in the safe!!!!!

I am going all soft and protective!!! Does anyone else feel like this? :rotfl:
Hiya hun,

Im not too keen on driving around and if someone cuts me up or drives stupidly i get very angry and want to shout at them but other than that im not too bad. I have got a "mum to be on board" sticker though (sad i know).

Im sure there are plenty of other people out there who feel the same, bubs is very well cushioned though so try not to worry too much.

Claire x
i've started getting nervous in the car too, especially on the motorway, i keep telling OH to drive slower & he shouts at me saying 'if i go any slower i'll be breaking the law!'
Im slower in the car, especially telling others off if they go over the speed limit a teeny bit(Im normally the worst for speeding, but not now theres a baby on board!!) :roll:
I get so angry if someone overtakes me, I've actually been close to tears as it upsets me that they can overtake on such dangerous roads (we live in the country). It maddens me to think that they are not only endangering their own lives, but more importantly my daughter and unborn childs life!!!! :twisted:
Oh I have been like this too!! Its crazy but Im a wreck in the car, i get so scared crossing the road, even walking on the pavement! :shock: Im scared of stairs, getting in and out the shower lol everything! Im so nervous all the time i shake for nothing!? It is so very odd! :think:

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