Say hello to Tally!!! *possible pic overload*


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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Just wanted to add a few more piccies of Tally now that she's 9 days old and we've had a few days to get to know each other, i'll try not to go OTT but i cant make any promises.

I'm being one of those "OMG my little girl is SO gorgeous" mummies, and i wanna show her off and get loads of pics whilst she's still tiny!! I'm loving being a mummy, she's not easy, and people have to cut my food up for me regularly but overall she's so good and yes it may be a while before i manage to get out and about by myself and go places without her but it'll all be worth it!

My current life saver!!! If i put her in this when she's nice and calm she'll sit happily or fall asleep, i love it!!!! (oh and thats a yawn not a cry :bored: )

Checking out her diddy hands

Wondering when she's gonna get more mummy milk

Looking gorgeous with David, she stares at him constantly, it's so cute

Her faviourite sleeping position

First bath at home with mummy (just before she poo'd on me)

I've got loads more and some very cute bath time ones but they're not uploaded yet!! I'm gonna go stare at her whilst she sleeps now! Someone please tell me you get over the staring at them all day stage soon :rotfl:
Clare she is beautiful, you must be a very proud mummy.

Aww so gorgeous :)
Oh and i still havent got over the staring at Calleigh especially when she sleeps :D
Awww she is beautiful! Nope you don't get over the staring thing; I still do it :D
Ive never stared :oops:

She is lovely. So glad you and David are enjoying her.,
Oh my god she is so beautiful.

Your bit about staring at her while she sleeps made me cry (ha ha good pregnancy old hormones).

So pleased for you. :hug:

She is gorgeous :cheer: Love the picture of her and Dave!

Damn I want my baby now :)
She's beautiful. :)

Is her name actually Tally, or is it short for something?
awwwwwwwwwwwww she is a little stunner!!!

Many congrats!!
Awww wow she is so beautiful! I am so broody right now :lol: I still love to sit and watch Brody sleep :shock: :oops: :lol: It's the only time he is quiet :lol:
awwww Clare shes gorgeous hunny!! she looks sooo snuggly in that first pic! :D

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