***runs this way>>>> then thatta way^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ then <<<<<< then VVVVVVVVVV
***then realsies she hasnt run round in circles but run round in squares!
anyhoo after a shit couple days, hubbys credit card jumped into my hand this am and iut managed to use £80, oh dear what a shame I thought
anyhoos hubbys just come home, I told him what I did and OMG hes just as excited as I am!
OMG Im sooo excited, you lot will call me sad and prob shake your heads but mesy dont care, me wants shout from rooftops but I think im gonna curl round hotwater bottle instead!
*****runs back in round and out the door......................
***then realsies she hasnt run round in circles but run round in squares!
anyhoo after a shit couple days, hubbys credit card jumped into my hand this am and iut managed to use £80, oh dear what a shame I thought
anyhoos hubbys just come home, I told him what I did and OMG hes just as excited as I am!
OMG Im sooo excited, you lot will call me sad and prob shake your heads but mesy dont care, me wants shout from rooftops but I think im gonna curl round hotwater bottle instead!
*****runs back in round and out the door......................