Returning to soon??


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Mar 12, 2007
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My baby is two months old and it's come to the point now where we just cant manage on the SMP i'm getting and i have to go back to work full time just to keep the roof over our heads.

How did you find it going back to work earlier than planned?

I'm just scared that he'll forget who i am. I'm crying now just thinking of leaving him all day, I'm going to miss him so much :cry:
I went back to work when Paris was 3 months old and I found it ok at the time as like you we just couldn't manage on the smp. I regret it now though as I missed out on the time with her :(
:hug: :hug: :hug:

We're in exactly the same position at the moment... I start back at work on the 25th of Feb, a day before Tim will be 4 months old.

When I got a job offer on Thursday, I just cried all day, coz I didn't want to put him in daycare all the time and then have him think that we don't love him...

After we had been to look at the nursery he will be going to, I felt much better as the people were very friendly, and they say its actually much easier to start daycare now, as the baby is not as clingy as an older baby (7/9 months+) might be... Plus the nursery said I could go up there at lunchtimes to see the LO so long as it doesn't distress him!! :cheer:

Hope it all works out for you!! :hug:
im back in 2 weeks :cry: melissa will be 8 months

i do remember how powerful that early bond was tho- when she was only 2 months old i couldnt even not be in the same room as her for 10 minutes! :shock: it sounds like ur the same, i dont think u should go back 2 work. cant ur partner go instead? i kno it can be hard, we are really poor- but id much sooner struggle with money than not get to see my baby!

if u really gotta go back tho- good luck i hope it all works out for you. :hug:
I had to start back at sixteen weeks for the same reason, and HATED it :evil: I missed her sooo much, but you get used to it and I have to say that I really enjoy the time I can spend with her. I am lucky, as I have a friend who is caring for her during the day at home, so she doesn't have to go to a nursery so young. You live with it, I am not going to try to tell you it will be easy, it certainly wasnt for me, but sometimes that is the way things go down. :cry:

I really sympathise... Yesterday I got home and Ani was pleased to see me, as always, but after a few mins she bumped herself and started to cry so I picked her up, and she put her arms out to Anna (my friend who takes care of her) I wanted to cry :cry: But after two mins she wanted to come back to me for a loong cuddle so I felt a bit better.
I try to tell myself she is lucky as she has Anna who loves her so much, but I still feel sad sometimes...

:hug: :hug: :hug:

I'm in the same boat... I need to go back to work in April... around 3 months when my time runs out as I wasn't working beforehand...and the maternity sickness only runs for 3 months. I want to cry... I can't imagine leaving lil miss for such a long time... :cry: but we will need the money.
i went back at 4 months it was horrible at first but now we both like are time apart makes time together even better
i went back at 4 months it was horrible at first but now we both like are time apart makes time together even better
I cant even think about it right now!!!!

Due to go back n March!

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