Remember these predictions?

I did it again -this seems more like it unfortunately!

What she senses for you
The day you deliver, outside will be slightly overcast. Your baby will arrive in the evening.

After a labor lasting approximately 17 hours, your child, a boy, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 7 pounds, 2 ounces, and will be 20 inches long. This child will have light blue eyes and some blond hair.

But there is more. I sense that you are in need of distraction. Some enjoyment. Have you thought about belly painting? Take a look.
Mine was:

The day you deliver, outside will be rainy. Your baby will arrive in the morning.

After a labor lasting approximately 14 hours, your child, a boy, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 7 pounds, 11 ounces, and will be 18-1/2 inches long. This child will have hazel eyes and be completely bald.

Couldn't have been more wrong! I had a girl on a very hot sunny day, she was born at 11.15pm with smoky grey eyes and lots of hair! :rotfl: All in the name of fun though!
Ive just done mine again, and its scarily very similar to the first...still predicting an 11lber! :shock: WTF?! :talkhand: I seriously hope not! It does pick up on the waterbirth I want though, which was a bit spooky :think:

The day you deliver, outside will be rainy. Your baby will arrive at night.

After a labor lasting approximately 7 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 11 pounds, 10 ounces, and will be 19 inches long. This child will have light brown eyes and be almost bald.

But there is more. I sense that you have thought about labor in the water. You ask yourself, "Why do women find it helpful?" I think you should look here to find out more
Mine was

What she senses for you
The day you deliver, outside will be windy. Your baby will arrive at night.

After a labor lasting approximately 6 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 11 pounds, 10 ounces, and will be 19 inches long. This child will have light brown eyes and be completely bald.

But there is more. I sense that you wonder if you will have a difficult time during labor and birth. Why don't you go listen to an actual birth? It may give you some encouragement!

Oh no, I am not having an eleven pounder :shock: :shakehead: That is not happening!

Also what am I supposed to do? Hang around outside the hospital asking pregnant women in labour whether I can listen to their birth :? :rotfl:

Well apparently Oscar is still a girl :lol:
I got my cummupance (sp?)
I predicted myself a 2 minute labour... it was 99 hours.... ha
Hmmm, this is pretty freaky! I never did it the first time so it's been... Erm... Interesting!!

The day you deliver, outside will be rainy. Your baby will arrive in the early evening.
That's ok. As long as I don't get woken up with severe pain I'll be alright!

After a labor lasting approximately 5 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 5 pounds, 4 ounces, and will be 19 inches long. This child will have green eyes and a little patch of brown hair.
5lb 4oz?! Don't mind that at all!! Bring it on! Yes, she is a girl... Don't know where she'd get the green eyes from though?! :think:

But there is more. I sense that you feel somewhat alone. Have faith; you are not alone. Why don't you visit the message boards and talk to other expectant mothers? I'm sure you will find you have much in common.
Yes, I am very single!!

Well I thought I saved mine, as I wanted to read it to mum in the morning.

It told me I was having a girl, (which I am) and that she'd be born on a windy day after a 5 hour labour weighing 7lb11oz. She'd have some fine hair, dark eyes and be 22 inches long.

Oh and that I should look into belly painting :rotfl:

I just went back to it and obviously didn't save it right as I'm now having a 7lb4oz 20.5 inch baby BOY after a 3 hour labour (now that bit I'd be more than happy to some true!)

So I sincerely hope not, after being told I was having a boy, buying loads of blue, then baby apparantly being a girl at 31 week scan and all blue being changed to neutral and pink...I think I'd break down if it all changed again :rotfl:
Ooh i never did this the first time round.. lets ave a look then...

What she senses for you
The day you deliver, outside will be warm. Your baby will arrive in the morning.
Well its not unknown for it to be warm end of october/beginning of november :D

After a labor lasting approximately 8 hours, your child, a boy, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 8 pounds, 12 ounces, and will be 20 inches long. This child will have green eyes and dark hair.
Well... i am having a boy and i have green eyes and dark hair but OH is more dark blond with blue eyes.. sooo... 8 pounds how many??? :shock: :eek: :lol: bring it!!! :dance:

But there is more. Although you may feel tired, your pregnancy will be over before you are truly ready to let go of having this precious baby you have all to yourself. I sense that you will look back and long for these days. I suggest doing something now to preserve some memories of this time. Many women enjoy making a belly cast. Perhaps you would be interested, too.
Now that is really interesting cos several months ago, just when i was falling asleep, the date 26th October (my due date is 1st november) flashed through my head really vividly - it made OH jump in his sleep which was quite spooky :shock: and i have already started to have feelings along the lines of wondering how i am gonna cope with other people having a relationship with this life inside of me.. n feeling quite selfish cos of that because am enjoying being pregnant SO much...keep lookin at the belly cast kits in Argoos so maybe i should stop lookin and get on and preserve my bumpage :)

Intrigued to see if the prediction comes true :think:
Mine read........

What she senses for you
The day you deliver, outside will be overcast. Your baby will arrive at night.

After a labor lasting approximately 9 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 7 pounds, 10 ounces, and will be 18-1/2 inches long. This child will have green eyes and some very fine hair.

Bound to be raining if next months anything like this one, night works fine for meeee. Fine hair, and green eyes she'd have to take after me and the amount of heartburn im getting i doubt it, but tis tru shes a girl, however iv got a feeling shes going to be a bit of a biff soo 7 pounds is optimistic at best :think:
well i think mines was a bit off.. coz apparently Noah's a girl :rotfl:

i still think labour times might be right tho becoz its similar to Jack :)
The day you deliver, outside will be sunny. Your baby will arrive in the evening.

After a labor lasting approximately 18 hours, your child, a boy, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 7 pounds, 2 ounces, and will be 20 inches long. This child will have light blue eyes and some blond hair.

But there is more. I know you imagine your baby often. You wonder if your baby is safe and healthy. Why don't you go listen to a baby's heartbeat and think soothing thoughts about your own child.

18 hour labour :shock:
The day you deliver, outside will be rainy. Your baby will arrive at night.

After a labor lasting approximately 9 hours, your child, a boy, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 10 pounds, 9 ounces, and will be 21 inches long. This child will have light blue eyes and be almost bald.

But there is more. I sense that you have thought about labor in the water. You ask yourself, "Why do women find it helpful?"

:shock: 10 pounds 9ounces!? Blimey! I hope he's not!
And i think everyone has thought about labour in water you cant not as you read/ talk and learn about it at some stage of pregnancy, but ive never thought about having 1 myself if thats what she means!
I've just done one for me

What she senses for you
The day you deliver, outside will be foggy. Your baby will arrive in wee hours of the morning.
Great.....up in the night. Due towards end of October so fog is a possibility

After a labor lasting approximately 3 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 6 pounds, 8 ounces, and will be 20-1/2 inches long. This child will have light brown eyes and be completely bald.
3 hour labour :cheer: :cheer: 6lb 8oz baby would be perfect. Me and OH have green and blue eyes respectively so don't know where it's getting the brown ones from and a bald baby?? I want a blonde one! :rotfl:

But there is more. I sense that you are feeling some stress. This is very normal. However, I would like to suggest that you try some of these methods to pamper yourself a bit
Stress......yup. Got both my grandparents in hospital at the minute and have been running around for them for the past 11 weeks!
Just did mine for the first time:-

What she senses for you
The day you deliver, outside will be sunny. Your baby will arrive in the afternoon.

After a labor lasting approximately 23 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 7 pounds, 13 ounces, and will be 21 inches long. This child will have blue eyes and some very fine hair.

But there is more. I get the impression that there is something in your life that is not yet settled. Something about... something about a name? Ah -- a baby name. Why don't you look here for help with finding the perfect name for your precious child

Will be interested if baby has blue eyes cos neither of us do! She is spot on about the name thing though, and as for sunny, does she realise i live in Wales?
Sorry to gatecrash! I just did this lmao :rotfl:

The day you deliver, outside will be windy. Your baby will arrive at night.

After a labor lasting approximately 7 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 10 pounds, 4 ounces, and will be 20-1/2 inches long. This child will have hazel eyes and be completely bald.

But there is more. I sense that you feel somewhat alone. Have faith; you are not alone.

Well they got girl right and 7 hours seems reasonable, BUT 10 LBS 4 OZ!?!?! lmao :rotfl: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Hazel eyes?! Well me and OH both have blue but my daughter has green!?
I dont feel alone in the slightest so Im guessing she said that because I said i dont wear rings! (dont want them to get stuck thats all lol)
Hmm now I went back and changed my rings thing to what I would wear usually and this is what i got

The day you deliver, outside will be sunny. Your baby will arrive at night.

After a labor lasting approximately 2 hours, your child, a girl, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 6 pounds, 10 ounces, and will be 22 inches long. This child will have light brown eyes and some very fine hair.

But there is more. I sense that you have thought about labor in the water.

2 hours labour and 6lbs 10 oz sounds more like it thankyou very much heehee
Did mine!

The day you deliver, outside will be cloudy. Your baby will arrive in wee hours of the morning .

After a labor lasting approximately 2 hours, your child, a boy, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 5 pounds, 7 ounces, and will be 19 inches long. This child will have dark brown eyes and a little patch of brown hair.

But there is more. I sense that you are feeling some stress. This is very normal. However, I would like to suggest that you try some of these methods to pamper yourself a bit.

Give me a 2 hour labour anyday!! And she did get the boy bit right.....hmm :think: Not sure where the dark brown eyes will come from though
HideiLu said:
The day you deliver, outside will be slightly overcast. Your baby will arrive in the afternoon.

After a labor lasting approximately 3 hours, your child, a boy, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 8 pounds, 15 ounces, and will be 18 inches long. This child will have light blue eyes and be almost bald.

I LOVE THIS WOMAN!! 3 HOURS!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :think:

It was overcast, but he arrived at 6.41am!

From waters breaking and him being delivered by c-sec was 4hours

He weighed 9lbs 14 - not sure how long

His eyes are dark blue/green and he has a fair bit of hair, not loads but a decent amount of dark hair.

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