Refusing feeds


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2006
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Charlie has been regularly taking 4 8oz bottles a day for weeks now and sleeping from 7.30 to 7am, however in the last few days i have had a struggle to get him to take any more than 5 or 6 oz at any feed. He is not unwell, if he is teething he is not showing any other signs, and he is sleeping pretty much the same although i have heard him shouting between 5am and 6am but he does go back to sleep. I am not too concerned at the moment as he is a chunly munky being 16lb 8oz at 17 weeks old!!but the health visitor told me he should be taking 2.5 ounces for every pound of his body weight and he was not doing that on 32 oz never mind if he is down to 24oz a day.

Any suggestions/advice greatly received!!!
perhaps its a phase. have you started him on solids lately or anything? perhaps if you have hes filling himself up on that and not wanting so much milk :think:
Im really sorry hun I cant offer much advice, but to also say maybe if he is on solids he is having less...or maybe he is ready for some solids if not?
I was going to say the same, either he wants some solids or if he's on solids is becoming disinterested in milk because he's full up.
I always think of it as, babies are mini adults & sometimes we don't always want big meals & sometimes don't finish our plates, so it maybe just a phase like Budge said.
We have a similar problem with Rowan but this is down to reflux, we were told he needed 30oz a day to stay healthy so we started keeping a food diary and although some days he's down on his feeds on others he's well over. I agree with the others perhaps he's either due some solids or maybe he's started them and doesn't need as much as a result. I have come to the conclusion that babies are just tiny people and some days we eat more than others so provided he's happy, healthy and not dehydrated I wouldn't worry. It bothers me that HV seem to have a set view of how babies ALL BABIES should develop, they are all different so why should they all follow the same pattern. :think:
He hasnt had solids yet, he has seemed happy with his milk up to now, i think i may try him with some baby rice tomorrow to see if that makes any difference. i will let you know how i get on!!

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