recycling glass


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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i take my glass to the recycling banks each week.

my council don't collect glass (tossers) so i took it upon my self to take them myself.

I deccided to collect all my glass for a week to see how much i used and i was amazed and slightly disgusted that this highly recyclable item was just being thrown into my green bin each week.

does anyone want to set themselves a challenge to do the same as i did??

collect all your bottles for a week and see how much you use.
Im sure most of you will realise just how much glass could be recycled.
well done budge :clap:
we are lucky we have a black box for recycling which is emptied once a week in there we put all our cans, tins, glass, plastic bottles, paper, foil, and clothing and shoes
then we have the twin bin scheme so our ordinary household rubbish gets emptied 1 week (black bin) then the following week is all our food waste and garden waste (green bin)
the only thing we are struggling with is cardboard :evil: i separate all my cardboard and take it once a month to the recycling centre i usually take about 8 black bags full
they are supposed to be starting to collect it but they have been telling us this for 6 months now and still no sign of a new box (we are supposed to be having a blue box for cardboard)
they want us to recycle which i dont mind but at least provide us with the facilities to do so :( our recycling centre is 5 miles away and i dont have transport so i have to get a family member to take it for me once a month its so annoying that they pick everything else up but not cardboard
ok moan over sorry xxxxxxx
we are lucky too in that we have a blue box for plastic,glass and tins - it is scary how much gets put in these. Plus we have a bag for paper, and a brown bin for organic waste including food scraps and cardboard. However thick cardboard has to go to the tip which is a pain in the ass.

One thing we did was change to getting milk from our local milkman, the plastic cartons we were going through has just gone down so much and all I have todo is clean the glass bottles and leave themon the doorstep
My council do collect glass but only once a month so we always end up taking it down the recycling centre as our box gets full way before then. There is always loads of it, you are right its suprising how much you actually go through.
beanie said:
we are lucky too in that we have a blue box for plastic,glass and tins - it is scary how much gets put in these. Plus we have a bag for paper, and a brown bin for organic waste including food scraps and cardboard. However thick cardboard has to go to the tip which is a pain in the ass.

One thing we did was change to getting milk from our local milkman, the plastic cartons we were going through has just gone down so much and all I have todo is clean the glass bottles and leave themon the doorstep

im thinking of doing that beanie. it will stop me going to the supermarket to top up with milk too. i never go in and come out with just milk :rotfl: :think:
We recycle alot of stuff and its amazing how much you we're actually throwing away :shock: our council dont collect fook all apart from normal waste so we take it all the the recycling thing ourself.
WQe have three bins the green one for general household in plastic bags, the blue one has glass,papers,milk cartons etc in it and the brown one you can puit your old food in as long as its in a brown paper bag,garden wastage too.

Ive never had a problem and I love recycling and my bins are never overfull.Unlike my neighbours.
I might try it, it shouldn't be too bad. I must admit we're not very good at recycling, but then I tend to think that I pay ALOT of council tax and get nothing for it. I have no streetlights, no swimming pool, library, shocking road surfaces and almost a mile to push my wheelie bin for it to be collected if I'm lucky.
In my small sad mind I think that they can sort it themselves, even though I know really that they likely dont and it all goes the same way.

I'll do a week of glass, even though it's 13miles to the nearset recycling point and see how much I get.

It will be alot more after I've had the baby :rotfl:
I save my glass for OH's mum as her council do collect glass. She comes round once a week and is happy to take it. We recycle everything else (that can be)
We recycle pretty much everything in our house. I'm big on it and think even if I have to go to the local tip once a week its worth it. I don't rely on the bin men taking anything other than the non recycleble stuff away.

We recycle

Paper/card/envelopes/magazines etc
Plastic bottles
All batteries, household and car (really bad for enviroment to throw away in bin)
Old TV's/monitors, electrical equipment
Veggies (on the compost heap)
Old furniture (if not selling 2nd hand)
Any plastic carrier bags (though we use canvas ones mostly)

And pretty much anything else I can get my mits on and the tip will take.

When baby is born I'm using biodegradable nappies or washable ones. I know they balance out, but I can't see the point of filling landfills with them more than I need to.

I've had the same mobile phone for 8 years now. I refuse to buy a new one as it seems they go wrong after a year or battery fails and people end up buying another one. Mine still works, even after 8 years and does the job. I can live without phone pics and all that stuff.

I won't buy new technology until I've researched it and seen if a) its ethically produced and b) the impact to the enviroment. I also buy only clothing from stores and companies that state they are ethically aware and paying staff a decent living wage for their work. It sometimes makes things awkward and gone are the days of shopping at Asda or Primark for cheap clothes, but my conscience won't let me buy something made by someone who earns only a few pounds a month.

I just think that if we want our kids and grandkids to have a decent planet to grow up and live on we need to start taking action now and no excuses. We really are a wasfeful society these days and its getting ridiculous how much we simply throw away when the next edition or model comes out.

Yeah, I'm a bit of an eco and green person :roll: I'm not perfect as I am sat here typing on a computer. But I am trying to do my bit and hope to do even more in the future.
beanie said:
One thing we did was change to getting milk from our local milkman, the plastic cartons we were going through has just gone down so much and all I have todo is clean the glass bottles and leave themon the doorstep

I've just started doing this as was throwing out so much plastic with the milk cartons, its brill and means that I'm not lining the pockets of the big supermarkets. I'm trying to source more food locally, I live in a small village and have been saddened to see our only two shops close over the last couple of years due to being overshadowed by a big supermarket down the road.
We are really lucky as we have
Green bin for general rubbish
Brown bin for garden waste
Red bin for plastic and cardboard
Blue box for paper
Green box for glass and tins

All emptied fortnightly

It's amazing how much stuff you get through in a week! If we didn't recycle our bin would be overflowing within a couple of days!
Im lucky were i live, 2 weeks after i moved in they started a trial,

I have a black bin for general rubbish, and a brown bin for recycling(throw it all in but paper/card and they sort it somewere), a little green bin for kitchen waste, and a green bag for cardboard/paper/magazines.

Onyl thing they wont recycle here is plastic food trays, such as yog pots etc
we recycle anyway.

We have blue wheelie bin for plastic,cardboard,cartons,tins and cans, paper,junk mail etc and 2 green boxes for glass and catalogues etc, green bags for garden waste and a composter :)
i do this too, i take them to morrisons car park banks. (why not i go everyweek anyway!) I want to do it with cans next as i used 3 last night and it made me feel sick putting them in the bin! :oops:

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