really really depressed


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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as some of you know, my OH was in an accident on monday. At first he just had a broken leg and wrist, then he picked up an infection which they couldnt find a cause for, then they found it, he has a haemorrage/bruising of the lungs and his oxygen was down to 70 odd percent, yesterday when i was in there he started coughing a lot, last night it got worst and now he's got one of those hospital bugs, not one of the really nasty ones (as far as i know) but bad enough for him to be throwing up and really poorly, he's even been put in a kind of quarantine bay with ppl tht have the same thing, and obviously because of that i now cant see him, and the only thing thats been keeping me sane is the fact that i can see how he's doing for myself without a nurse only telling you half the story.

I left work early cos i just started crying after he phoned me and couldnt stop, and havent done since about 12.15. I'm just so scared, and tired and angry, and rather selfishly lonely, i miss him annoying me, cuddling me, kissing me. i feel like sleeping for days until he's home, and i've got this awful feeling that he's not gona come home. and i feel so guilty for feeling so upset and alone, how must he be feeling? at least i have the comfort of home.

I just dont know what to do... why cant i stop feeling so pesimistic :cry:
i know its hard but try and think positive.
theres so much that doctors can do these days that im sure he will be fine.
do something to keep you busy, go and see him again, talk to your bump etc. he'll be back soon don't worry.. you probably feel worse because your hormones are all over the place too
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
i cant go and see him :( thats the most upsetting thing, this morning i was fine, i actually didnt get upset for the first time since monday, and now this and im worst than i have been all week. just a simple thing like not being able to see him for one day and im a wreck
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

You've been through so much already this is just awful x

Have you asked if you could go in and see him if you were gowned up with the mouth/nose mask on etc? Maybe you could go in then :pray:

lots of love to you and I hope everything is ok x
i think he'd b angry if i went in, it'd just be one more worry for him and he's going through enough without worrying about me too. he's normally the one i turn to when im upset or need to talk aboiut something but this time i cant, i've never been the sort of person to talk about my feeling face to face, he;s the only person i've ever felt comfortable doing it with and not being able to tell him how awful im feeling is horrible. im sorry to keep going on, theres no1 else i can talk to. i wudnt be able to get any words out through the tears anyway
Poor thing, what a horrible time you are having.

Are you specifically not allowed in because you are pregnant? I think (and I could be wrong) you should tell him exactly how you feel, he probably knows you so well anyway he will know your down and he will be worrying about you as well. I always think at least if things are out in the open you cant imagine worse stuff. that way you can support him better through this really tough time. Hospital bugs are so infuriating!!!

He will be back home in your arms in no time :hug: :hug: :hug:
well, its a sickness bug, it wouldnt be very gd for bubs if i caught it and its highly contagious. i dont really wana risk it, but i wana see him so my mind's in conflict. god im just so fed up with crying, and worrying, and coping! but on the plus side, the hormones and stress have given a lovely array of spots :evil:
probably best to stay away for a couple of days then, could make you really sick if its contageous. Bloody hormones- make everything worse :hug:
You probably won't be allowed to visit him until he has been clear of all signs and symptoms for 48 hours. They will be even more cautious with you because you are pregnant. I work in a hospital and they are very cautious with me.

It is normal procedure in a hospital to keep all patients with sickness and or diarrhoea in isolation for that period of time as it spreads like wild fire.

I hope he feels better soon and you get into see him shortly. Just remember to use the hand gel when you go into and leave the hospital to visit him so you don't end up catching it too.

I'm sure he'll be home with you soon. xxx
well some gd news finally... he's stopped being sick now, so i can go and see him today. :cheer: spoke to him this morning and he said he felt better but he cried on the phone to me, i was almost in tears myself, he only ever cries if he's really really low, last time he cried was wen we lost our first bubs. i couldnt even hug him this morning cos i wasnt there. i felt afwul cos i dont know what to do or say to make him feel better. still, i can go in this afternoon and give him a hug and a kiss, try to cheer him up

his oxygen and cough is a bit better too, weds his oxygen was only at 70 odd percent, yesterday it was 86%. i juat cant wait to have him home now. Wednesday, he'll be home by wednesday i know it :)

I'm feeling a lot better by the way, thanks for all ur replies. Felling more optimistic now, had a day down in cornwall yesterday think it really helped :hug:
Brilliant news!! :hug: You'll feel tons better this afternoon :wink:

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