really low today


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2008
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no symptoms, af due tomorrow. but also hubby's working in glasgow and wont be home til late - sme tomorrow and he was out last night and monday night he was babysitting our nieces and nephew. I miss him. also i thought i would get a call about an interview (which is tomorrow) and i've obviously not got it which is a bummer as i;ve worked thee already and thought i had a good chance of getting the job, far less the interview. I'm feeling fat, been stuffing my face with junk cause I'm so low and I don't know how i'll cope when af appears tomorrow. :(

not expecting any replies but can't tell hubby as he's so busy and worrying about this enough.
oh hun, i'm sorry you're having a bad day. here's a few of these for you as your hubby can't give you them at the mo
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Rose :hug: Am as low as hell too, but mines because FF doesn't think i even ov'd and I'm sposed to be 6dpo. But I'm also stuffing my face, have spots now too :shock: and have had enough, so shall we both cry together or try and look on the brighter side of things like 8 days till christmas and try to get on with it :) But also hun, no symptoms doesn't mean your out of it anyway, no af means your still in with a chance, so try to cheer up a little bit babe :hug:
i suppose so. not ure if I'll test tomorrow as not sure how i'd react to a bfn. last day of work tomorrow but knowing the interviews are on will suck. at least the kids at wok will cheer me up a bit! big hugs for you too. :hug: :hug: :hug:

Awwww hun, im sorry your feeling so low! Have a few of these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
sorry to hear your so low big big big :hug: :hug: :hug: to you hope af stays away xxx
Aww hugs to you rose :hug: :hug:

I'm having a rough day too, just found out my best friend is pregnant. I'm happy for her, :) , dont get me wrong but I just can't help thinking when is it my turn?

I feel like a horrible person :wall:

you're not a horrible person! it does make you wonder why it's never you though while you're waiting for your bfp- everyone who wants one is probably the same.
well I didn't test - couldn't face a bfn today.
just realised if I'd got pregnant when I first started trying I'd be about to have it by now :cry:

thanks for the hugs.
well i worked through today (over full time) and it was nice. the kids were great but one really snuggles up and makes me broody! :(
af is definitely on her way. getting pre cramps and had a little browny discharge today (sorry, tmi :oops: )
well no sign of af since my post yesterday... did a test - got bfn but now on day 35 and apart from last month (freak at 45, doc thought i might have been pregnant for a little bit) they are around 31/32 days. Going out tonight but have decided to drive (actually didn't have that much choice, no other easy way to get there) so wont be drinking anyway. It just sucks that since I came off the pill my periods got shorter down to 31ish days and now seem to be getting much longer again! I tested today as according to mymonthly cycles (taking into account the freak last month and averaging the whole thing which usually makes me due a day or 2 before that tells me i am) I should be due (yesterday). I had some cramps yesterday and have been feeling rotten (due to a cold) What the hell is going on with my cycles!! I think i ov'd about 1st December (from peeing on a stick).

anyone have any idea what could be going on?

sorry, this is a big confused mess - well done if you made it through!

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