Random things our OH's come out with...


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2010
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Many of you will know that my OH didn't bother with Mother's Day for me :shock: :-( I didn't even get a card :-(

Anyway, after my 7th trip upstairs to try and settle Layla, I came down to him saying:

"I'm going to buy you a massive medal"

I asked "why?" and he replied

"I'm going to get you a massive medal with 'Best Mummy in the World' on it"

Soooo sweet of him to say that. However, I keep thinking that he's said that to make me feel better because I just leave him to it (he's always playing KOC on facebook etc or sleeping - often not getting up til 3pm at the moment :-( )

On the other hand, am I finally being appreciated for my efforts at being a Mummy???

Don't really know what I wanted out of this thread... just needed to share and get that "off my chest" so to speak. xx
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:shock: Can't believe all these guys didn't get their partners mothers day cards WTF!? Grrrr @ men!

At least you have recognition that you are doing a good job... but 3pm? My OH used to be like that years ago, but now we have LO I sooo would not put up with that lol
It's what alot of our rows at the moment are about :-( He says he cannot help it. He cannot go to bed when I do at the moment cos he's just not tired. He needs a min 8-10hrs at the moment :-(

He is asleep on the sofa now having only had 3hrs sleep last night and being about all day so far today... it's a nightmare :-(

I think he is really depressed about the lack of money and him not being able to provide for us so to speak... he just won't admit it.

Progress though... he said he'll go to the doc tomorrow about it. (and he NEVER goes to the doc!) :) xx

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