Q for those who had a surprise 1st time then found out 2nd..


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Hi ladies, im in a real pickle at the moment. Had my 20 week scan 2 weeks ago and never found out but have thought about it everyday since as id love to know. Hubby doesnt but im still thinking of paying to find out myself. This may be my last and i think id like to experience what its like to know. my 1st was a surprise and i loved that too.

My Q is if you found out this time, whaich do you prefer? Also, did you wish you'd left it as a surprise once you knew?

Ta very much :hug:
sorry iv only had one baby, so shouldnt really be answering :oops:

but i have to say, i found out and was very glad i did. its STILL a suprise, its just 20 weeks earlier! :lol: and u can prepare, choose a name, buy clothes that are gender-specified.

i would find out! :hug:
when i was having my first, my hospital wouldnt tell people what sex they thought it was, so we had no choice. I convinced my self it was a boy, basically because i desperatley wanted a girl and i wanted to prepare myself for a boy (lol, dont judge me) I had a little girl and i was over the moon! It was a fantastic surprise.

This time we've found out the sex (another girl :cheer: ) but ive become so paranoid that theyve got it wrong, that in a way i wish i didnt know (if that makes any sense :think: ) Im convinced theyve cocked up and we'll have a little boy at the end, so ive not bought anything in pink, lol. Finding out hasnt really helped cos we've kept everything neutral just in case they did get it wrong......... Wish i hadnt bothered :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I didn't find out with my 1st but did with my 2nd and 3rd and I think its better to find out. I was just too impatient anyway! To be honest with all 3 I never even thought what sex they were after they were born, even with the surprise I still forgot. I just felt better to be prepared clothes wise and it wasn't really that important anyway.
I had a surprise with my first but found out for my second.

Honestly I liked having a surprise better, but with knowing at least it meant we could prepare DD for her new baby brother better, and get her used to the idea that the new baby would be a boy and so on.

But I really did like the surprise first time round.
I've only had one (surprise) and am not planning to find out with the next either.

My sister has 3 girls, she didn't find out the sex with the elder two but did with the third - she was worried her DF might be disappointed if it was another girl & wanted him to be able to get used to the idea. She's sure she made the right decision with all 3, and has said if she has a fourth she will find out the sex then too. However if Roxy (the youngest) had been a boy she probably would have had another surprise.

If that makes sense :think: :D
I have only had one and didnt find out, i too had got it in my head i was having a boy basically because everyone thought i was, then for baby to be a girl i was really happy and excited.

My second one i do not intend to find out again, i love the waiting although i am impatient to tell everyone what it is etc.

Roll on TTC no2!! woooooo
Hi ya

Sorry I have only had one too and she was a suprise but I have decided that I would like to find out with my next baby; just to experience both :D
I have only one baby and I didn't find out, it was the best thing because in the end I had an emergency section and they passed my baby to my husband to hold and he was the one to tell me the sex of our beautiful daughter.

I don't think I'll be finding out for baby no2 when the time comes, I loved the surprise.
I'm not thinking about number 2 yet but we certainly will be team green again!
I was completely the same as sazzylou!!!! didnt but a thing in pink!
I found out with both of mine and it was lovely being able to prepare and bond with the baby and explaining to my son that had his sister in my tummy.
It was still a surprise even though i knew the sex, seeing them when there when they were born was a surprise in itsself!

I loved it both time and if i had a 3rd id find out again.
I found out with both of mine because I wanted to be prepared! It's even better second time round because I can prepare my son for having a baby sister and I love buying pink clothes now :D

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