

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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whats the 1 thing u think is utterly pointless lol

4 me its skimmed milk

my parents and sister all drink it and when i visit i hav 2 remember 2 buy my own milk 4 my cups of tea

its just white water!
yea i hate the red stuff its rank.

anyway off to get some toffee cheesecake :P
i give hayden full milk now, but before i used to buy
semi skimmed coz it lasts longer and i only used it in coffee
as i hate milk..
i dont miind green or blue but red :puke:
I used to only have skimmed. We only buy whole now though because that is what Lydia has, so no point buying two different kinds.

As for things I find utterly pointless.....dishwashers. It seems that people who have dishwashers complain more about what a huge pain it is having to load and unload the thing, than people who wash up by hand do about having to do it by hand!

So if the dishwasher just makes people complain more, why on earth do they have one?
midna said:
Pointless is the existence of them flys with overly long legs that swoop around the room diving for your face ...they only live a day anyway...I mean I dont suppose half of them get laid ...then another large amount of them find themselves contending against the possibility of ending up dead on the sole of a slipper or the back of an unwanted magazine...unbelievable :roll:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I always have skimmed milk but only out of habit from all the years of dieting! :lol:
Xena said:
I used to only have skimmed. We only buy whole now though because that is what Lydia has, so no point buying two different kinds.

As for things I find utterly pointless.....dishwashers. It seems that people who have dishwashers complain more about what a huge pain it is having to load and unload the thing, than people who wash up by hand do about having to do it by hand!

So if the dishwasher just makes people complain more, why on earth do they have one?

We have a dishwasher :oops: but I dont complain about it tho!!

I made my OH buy it because when he washes up he uses half an ocean full of water for a few dishes, he has the tap running the whole time then goes OCD on them lol I wasnt going to be left to do the dishes all the time

The dishwasher is AAA rated and a LOT more efficient than OH :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
trixipaws said:
whats the 1 thing u think is utterly pointless lol

4 me its skimmed milk

my parents and sister all drink it and when i visit i hav 2 remember 2 buy my own milk 4 my cups of tea

its just white water!

I think scented loo roll is pointless, you are only wiping a load of.... you get the picture!!

It would probably give me thrush anyway :rotfl:

I also find those foreign adverts dubbed over in English pointless. It just makes the product look cheap and makes me stear clear of the product. Its not like they are big budget adverts, couldnt they just re-make them with Brittish people? Or not show them at all? :rotfl: :rotfl:
same here Jools, skimmed milk is fine to me because I've used it for years, always on a diet! If I drink whole milk now it tastes like cream.

Dishwashers are FANTASTIC! I would hate to be without mine.

The hundred different types of air freshner. How many do we actually need? :evil: Ones with fans, timers, plug ins, Automatics, sprays, Flameless Candles, 3volutions. Talk about take an idea and flog it to death..........................And that little kid, 'did you see that puff?' :twisted: Er No, I have more important things to do than sit and watch a bloody airfreshner.
OHHHHH and that other kid, 'its all gone, its all gone' :evil:

:lol: rant over!
i used to drink skinned milk, but evey since i fll pregnant with nay, it's been fat :D

now i love it :wink:
those sented tampons...whos gonna be sniffin that? :puke:
jenna said:
those sented tampons...whos gonna be sniffin that? :puke:

I didn't even know you could get scented tampons! :shock:

Are you really serious? :?
i saw them advertised on the telly.

Another one is femanine wash for feminine areas...i washed my hands with my sisters with out realiseing... Its the same as soap FFS!! :lol:

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